Our minds work in wondrous and ... ways, don't they?The power of ... is both a blessing and a curse. All the greatest ... have come about because of thepower of ... Thin
Our minds work in wondrous and mysterious ways, don't they?
The power of imagination is both a blessing and a curse.
All the greatest inventions have come about because of the
power of imagination. Think of the respected inventors of
the 1800's and you just know - they imagined their success
before they achieved it.
But on the other hand, imagination can paralyze a person
with fear. Walking down a deserted street at night can really
get that imagination working overtime.
And who hasn't imagined some horrible fate happening to one
of their loved ones, when they aren't home on time?
Every new thing we do has a measure of fear involved along
with the joy and excitement. Yes, even success. Along with
the excitement, there is an element of fear when we imagine
great success.
It might be a fear of others depending on you. For example,
you create a great new product, employ thousands of people, and
then something bad happens and all those people are out of work.
Or say you create an information product. Well now everyone
expects you to be an expert, right? That's just too much. What
if they ask you something you don't know?
Well, you can see how my mind works (I can always find the BAD
point!) :-)
But let me tell you something. You can take that wonderful
imagination of yours and turn it to your advantage. Sit down
and try to imaging everything bad that could come from success.
List them on paper. Now write down every GOOD thing that could
come from success. List them on paper.
The bad list is a lot shorter, isn't it? I bet it has some
unrealistic items on it too, doesn't it? I mean, how likely
is it that if you create a product popular enough to need
thousands of employees, that the company will suddenly fail?
Now you've let your imagination run wild. You've conceived
of every possible outcome. It's not so bad, is it? Don't fear
success any more! Take the risk, it's worth it. You'll be
happier and your family will be happier.
Why You Should Be an Affiliate of Several Products
If you're like me, you're probably an ... of ... ... While managing several of them can leadto a bit of ... at first, I still believe it's betterto be involved with moreRenew Your Domain Name!
The old adage, "You learn ... new every day" ... true, isn't it?How many articles have I read on renewing your domain name?*On being so careful to get it done? *On watching out for unscrThe Reasons Multi-Level Marketing Didn't Work for Me
The initial foray into the world of internet marketing can often be filled with naivety and misconceptions. As a newcomer, I was no exception. I was drawn to the allure of Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), not fully understanding what it entailed. While some MLMs are legitimate and profitable, my experience was less than successful. This article explores why MLM didn't work for me and how I found success in affiliate marketing instead.