HVAC Service - What You Need to Know About Air Quality
When many people think of HVAC service, they think only of how well their air conditioning system works. And while heating and air is naturally a big part of the industry, a good company has many more concerns than making sure you’re properly cool in the summer. Another major function of such a company is to take a look at your indoor air quality. Here are some things you should ask your local company about your own indoor air quality.
When many people think of HVAC service,

they think only of how well their air conditioning system works. And while heating and air is naturally a big part of the industry, a good company has many more concerns than making sure you’re properly cool in the summer. Another major function of such a company is to take a look at your indoor air quality. This makes sure you aren’t slowly poisoning yourself with contaminants and other poor quality characteristics that can make your home an unpleasant habitat. Here are some things you should ask your local company about your own indoor air quality.
Humidity levels play a big part in determining the quality of your air. A HVAC service is always going to be keeping a close eye on the humidity levels in your home. What’s a good level for you? Well, this depends on where you live and what the temperature is outside. You have a lot of control over that level. You’re putting water vapor into your air every time you take a shower or boil a pot of water. Just breathing puts a certain amount into the air of your home. During the winter, humidity has a tendency to drop drastically. Cold air isn’t equipped to trap vapor the way warm air can.
So why does humidity matter? Well, a home that is too humid is going to be miserable. You’ve probably heard or used the phrase, “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.” People say that because there is an element of truth to it. Just as a sharp wind can make it feel a lot colder than the temperature would indicate, high humidity can make it feel much warmer. Not only that, but high humidity can provide just the conditions needed for mold to start growing. As you probably know, mold growth can lead to wall damage and can potentially even cause you and your family to get sick. Low humidity can be a problem, too. As it dips below 30% or so, you and your family could begin experiencing symptoms akin to a cold, such as irritation of the eyes and throat.
Besides humidity, you also need to be concerned with pollutants. A HVAC service can test your home to see what kinds of contaminants are in the air. Often, this can be remedied by putting in a better filtration system. Contaminants and pollutants can lead to sicknesses and an onset of allergic reactions. Have a good company come out and make sure your central heating and air isn’t letting these problems build up in your home.