If You Are Just Going Through the Motions, Take Off the Mask!
If you wake up every day and find that you are just “going through the motions,” try following Michael Buble’s example.
I thought about this when attending one of his concerts. He clearly loves what he is doing,

sliding across the stage and boyishly interacting with individuals in the audience.
There is no “rote” repetition but rather a performer full of enthusiasm, exercising an uninhibited ability “to be who he is.” He demonstrates the benefits of operating from “Effortless Energy” and we can all get there if we drop the masks, get in touch with our authentic selves, and live from that truth everyday.
When spending time with Byron Katie, I learned three things which have really helped me to get out of the facade and in touch with my authentic self. By using them and adapting them, I’ve found more meaning and pleasure when conducting my daily tasks and I encourage you to do the same:
1) Speak openly and honestly about who you really are. Allow answers to come to you and really feel them with no pressure or preconceived ideas about what might be more acceptable to the outside world. You’ll be surprised how others agree, relate or have been there themselves.
2) Express your truth. That includes having the integrity to say “no.” Each time you say “yes” when you mean “no,” you come out of your authentic self and deplete your energy. Be clear about saying “no” so there is no confusion as to your position or intent. Katie says that a “no” to others is a “yes” to yourself and, ultimately, to the other person.
3) Stay out of judgment. I have always known that, as soon as I judge others, it takes me out of a happy state of being. That’s because it is all a projection. Whatever we think of others is really what we think of ourselves. When we judge, we get out of the flow and block our “Effortless Energy.”
Each of us has a unique gift…something we were put on earth to do. It may not be a large concert performer like Michael Buble but, when we are in that flow, we have more vitality. Our authenticity provides “Effortless Energy” and it’s there to be had, if we are open to it. Are you going through the motions when you could take off the mask and feel more alive?