I’m Being Audited And Don’t Have Receipts
Proper documentation can be a real pain, but it is your only salvation. Generally getting a copy of many of the source documents may, or may not be impossible. You can always get a copy of bank statements, canceled checks, and deposit tickets from the bank. It may be quite expensive, but it is possible. You can even get copies of your old tax returns from The Illinois Department of Revenue.
Getting copies of Exemption Certificates or Resale Certificates proving that a transaction was non-taxable can be difficult after the fact if the company is no longer in existence.
What about your Sales? If you didn’t keep copies of all of your Sales and Purchase Invoices, how are you going to prove what your sales actually were?
If you are having problems with your I’m Being Audited And Don’t Have Receipts or have issues with your accounting in general, we would love to help. I enjoy hearing from my readers, and can be contacted at
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