Inkjet and 3D to dominate in Printing
The printing segment is undergoing drastic changes in a revolutionary way. One who is concerned with this field should be aware of the trends and aspects thereof. Let us find more of it.
The printing segment is undergoing drastic changes in a revolutionary way. One who is concerned with this field should be aware of the trends and aspects thereof. Let us find more of it.
Small Players Pushed out of Competition
In printing segment especially digital printing market,
many big companies like Minolta, QMS and Tektronix have already made their holds. Due to the harsh competition prevalent smaller players in the marketplace will be forced to lose ground. In long run following acquisitions and mergers the overall picture of the digital printing market will be a compact segment.
Prices to Come Down
With more entrants in the printing segment and more competition, prices ultimately will slash down. This will be a win-win situation for the customers as in market competition, ‘customer is the king’.
Decentralized System of Service
Today a major shift is observable in the printing segment in form of decentralized system gaining more popularity over the centralized approach. A lot of market demand is available and also the eagerness on the part of manufacturers to provide the best services.
New High-Performance Machinery
New options in the printing methods are available now with the advent of new technology- based full bleed B-sized machines. This device curtails the time consumed for post-printing trimming of paper margins. It is more in demand by the graphical art segment.
Better Performance
More satisfaction on the part of customer in printing quality is ensured with sophisticated and state-of-art printing devices. On several aspects like colour setting management, speed and power control ; Phenomenal improvement is achievable. In addition the effective cost of printing per page is also reduced.
Tandem Models
Tandem models which can print four color combinations at one time are predicted to come into use shortly. Single drum models within 1000 Dollar are also coming in demand.
Inkjets to Knock-Out Laser Printers
Many factors are leading to the shaking the kingdom of laser printers, virtually signaling onset of paperless society. The trends of 2008 also reflect that the laser printers are losing ground to the earlier-neglected inkjets. Moreover paper-less transactions in money maters as well as exchange of information via internet has brought down the need for bulk printing. This is truer in case of small and home based business. It is predicted by the experts that soon the inkjets will overtake the lasers everywhere. Despite the advantages of better speed and noiseless printing in case laser printers, inkjets are dominating over the latter. However the favorable features of the inkjets are- more versatility, small size and flexibility in paper size used. One of the main reasons of tilt in public interest in favor of inkjets is also its lower price than laser.
3 Dimensional printing
Gone are the days of satisfying with just two dimensional printing. Soon 3 D printing is ushering in. Even a company- claims to have initiated this. With help of this technology a three dimensional object can be copied over the paper. It works on the superimposed layering principle. Main materials used for the printing are sugar cells and polymers.