Network marketing has been viewed as a scam for ages, but many fail to do diligent research of the amount of income it has the potential to bring. On the other hand, most would rather work a job than be open minded enough to take a second look at mlm.
Copyright (c) 2009 Ontarian Ke'Chan Hawkins
Is network marketing a scam? I suppose this question is asked by many skeptics who are employed by the "big dogs" who dared to think above fear and mediocrity. What about asking a more relevant question like, is job security a fraud? I have witnessed thousands upon thousands of good hard-working people lose their jobs in the last five years due to lay offs, downsizing, etc.
The truth is network marketing gives the average individual the ability to start their own low cost franchise business without any limitations whatsoever. How many limitations does corporate america have on you? Who controls your time, family, and leisure activities? The biggest joke in America or any country is job security, because there is no guarantee that you will have a job tomorrow.
Just take a good look at the current state of the American economy, and how it continues to go in a downward slope. Network marketing on the other hand is not a scam. I am very passionate about the MLM industry because it has given me the freedom that I deserve. Do you deserve freedom or slavery? Freedom is being able to throw your alarm clock away, spend quality time with family and friends, travel the world, give to the poor, etc.
Slavery, on the other hand, will tear you down mentally leaving you so exhausted that the only desire you have after a 40+ hour work week is sleep. Your quest for more life starts when you realize enough is enough. Have you ever thought how many years you plan on working for someone else? Starting a MLM Network Marketing Home Based business is like starting your own McDonalds. You have the highest potential to multiply yourself all around the world. Wow! What an amazing thought.
What I truly admire about McDonalds is they had a mission to be the best fast food service in the world. They realized that staying in one place wouldn't be the smartest business tactic. So, they simply added more locations to efficiently serve and satisfy the masses.
Where do you want to be in the next 10+ years? Working for someone else or enjoying the freedom that you deserve? Consider a network marketing opportunity where the sky is the limit. Do your due diligence and research to find the opportunity that is just right for you. The beauty of an mlm company is low start up cost.
If you were going to open up a McDonalds franchise, a million dollars for start up capital is what you would need. I don't know of anyone who just has one million dollars sitting around, dou you? Make the decision to start a Day Job Bail out boycott in your mind.
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