This may be one of the best examples of old meets new.
There is no way to deny the amazing knives of the past, but as with all things, new brings innovation, and new brings possibility. This knife is a rather old school approach to a modern every day carry knife. The Lion Steel Mini 8200 has a 2.25 inch D2 steel blade, and weighs in at about 2.3 ounces. It has a drop point styled blade and it is somewhat bigger than older models. This knife is made in Italy, and if you like like Italian knives, do not worry because the Italians love there knives as well. And for good reason. Italians make precious knives known world wide.
Yes there is something modern about this blade, but the knife still reminds us of tradition. The knife is not stainless steel, but many are not. That is part of what takes us back to a time when knives required care, and that was just fine.
As for the grip, it’s old school. Yes it will not feel so perfect in the hand, but it does not want to. It wants to be an old pocket knife, and it feels like one. It’s wider, thick feeling knife that requires the holder to be awake to it. It does however, open and close with one hand quite effortlessly. It can be opened easily with either hand via the thumb studs. This knife lock up well, and there is no movement side to side. D2 is a great and awesome steel. Yes it can corrode, but this is a knife for a person who enjoys caring for a blade. The day may come when guns clean themselves, and yet there will be those who love to clean their guns. It is the truth. No different that he or she that loves to care for their guitars.
This knife holds an excellent edge and will not need to sharpened so often. It just needs to be kept dry, and or properly dried when wet. This is a quality knife designed in the USA, and made in Italy. Two great knife making countries coming together to offer an excellent product for a fair price. It’s always a good idea to read multiple reviews about a knife before making a purchase. Go ahead and do so. Yet please expect some younger writers to have little appreciation for a classic look and feel of a knife. No one is to blame. It just is what it is.
Product retails for around $99.
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