You are definitely not alone. Every successful marketer has stood in your shoes feeling totally confused and not knowing in which direction to turn. Anyone new to the Internet suffers from ‘information overload’ a seriously perplexing condition and one only overcome by choosing the direction that is right for THAT individual.
Let’s face it, anybody can get an Internet connection then try to make their fortune online, the trouble is the mind-boggling amount of ‘get rich quick’ opportunities that are available to the masses are approaching infinity! So where do you start?
Well, let’s be honest here, I cannot guarantee your success, to do so I would have to know you personally, probably better than I know my own family and friends. I don’t know what you are good at, your weaknesses (if you are human you will definitely have some), or your interests. One thing I do know, you will only succeed online if you do not quit. Nobody in history has succeeded at anything by quitting.
By joining the Internet community you have begun a learning curve. This is true even if you just want to buy and sell on EBay, email friends and relatives, or even look for a new JOB (Just Over Broke). The deeper you dig into the World Wide Web, the steeper the learning curve becomes.
If you are looking for a home based business that curve can seem insurmountable and somewhat scary, but listen, we have all been there! Starting any business was once described to me as walking in heavy fog. You can only see a short distance in front of you, say 20 yards, but once you walk that 20 you can see a further 20 yards and so on. Don’t think for one minute that Corey Rudl, Allen Says and the rest of the most successful online marketers didn’t once stand in exactly that same place. Their secret? Well, they didn’t quit!
But, you must start somewhere and the beginning is always a pretty good place. Find a program that fits you personally. Don’t fall for all the hype about how rich you will become in months, weeks or days. If you have been searching for opportunities you will have come across all the hollow promises, this is where you must take care, many ‘marketers’ out there just want your money and will not take any interest in helping you realise your goals. This is the difference between Internet cowboy scams and genuine people running honest businesses who sincerely have your interests at heart.
The Internet has become a very personal experience, this probably explains why the Big Gun .com businesses crashed out all together a few years back, they believed online and offline businesses could be run on the same terms. Wrong! It has been proven over and again that the way to Internet success is to help others achieve their dreams. Follow that road and the money will follow you.
Surely the most satisfying job in the world must be getting paid to help others after all; this is the basics of human nature and the complete opposite of selfishness.
If you want to succeed you must learn the basics, what works and what doesn’t work. As I already mentioned; do not quit! Persist and you will get there.