Multiple alternative healing practices help people in improving their quality of life. Magnetic acupressure therapy or magnetic therapy is one of them. Learn how it makes use of magnets instead of acupuncture needles to treat patients in a non-invasive way.
Acupuncture therapy involves placing needles along the meridians of the body. Acupuncture helps in balancing the energy flow and ensures a healthy life for the patient. Instead of using acupuncture needles, practitioners can make use of magnets. It is called magnetic acupressure therapy.
How does Magnetic Acupressure Therapy Work?
Magnetic acupressure therapy combines the benefits of magnetic therapy and acupressure. It helps with regulating the energy flow and blood flow in the body.
A human body has naturally-existing magnetic and electric fields. According to holistic healing practitioners, an imbalance in the magnetic field of the human body causes pain, inflammation, swelling, or congestion. Hence, arranging a magnetic field near the affected body part can alleviate pain, balance the energy flow and improve the quality of life.
When a TCM practitioner places a magnet near the body, it affects the ions, improves blood circulation, and regulates the pain. With the precise use of magnetic acupressure supplies, TCM practitioners can remove blockage and maintain the equilibrium in the body
Does Magnetic Therapy Work? What Ailments can one Treat with Acupressure Magnets?
Magnetic acupressure therapy helps treat various body parts. It has known to help with tissue healing and pain relief. Additionally, the treatment is also useful for improving mobility and weight loss.
It cures:
1. Headaches
2. Arthritis
3. Back pains
4. Migraines, etc.
Are there other Magnetic Therapies?
Magnetic acupressure therapy is one of the most common types of magnetic therapy today. Additionally, holistic healing practitioners use different methods to treat patients and boost their overall health.
>> Static magnetic therapy includes attaching a permanent magnet to the skin for easing the symptoms. A TCM practitioner may make use of magnetic acupressure patches to treat patients. Alternatively, patients also use static magnets in the form of jewelry or buy magnetic mattress pads.
>> Other than static magnetic therapy, electromagnetic therapy is also a popular form of treatment. To administer the PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy, the medical professional will use mild electromagnetic currents to treat the damaged cells. It helps in assuaging pain and offering relief to the patients.
A Qualified TCM Practitioner should administer Magnetic Acupressure Therapy.
One should not ignore the importance of qualified TCM practitioners for administering magnetic therapy. It is because the human body is a complex structure. It is essential to consider the condition of the organ or tissue before initiating the treatment. An experienced medical professional can ensure the right location and the duration of the therapy for optimal benefits.
There are different types of magnetic acupressure patches available today. For example, 1000-gauss magnetic acupressure patches can ensure pain relief in a non-invasive way. You will also find magnetic ear pellets and seeds that stimuli the acupressure points to reduce stress, anxiety, and many other problems. Sometimes, acupressure ear seeds are available w/o tape. And, the practitioner may require medical adhesive tape for acupressure magnets.
If a patient decides to use magnets on his own, he may choose the wrong product. And, it can affect his health severely. Using the right polarity and magnet strength are the main factors in the success of magnetic acupressure therapy.
Is Magnetic Acupressure Therapy safe?
Magnetic acupressure therapy is generally safe for most people. The rare side effects include dizziness and nausea. However, the patient should never use it without the supervision or guidance of the practitioner.
TCM practitioners must recommend patients to avoid using magnets while having an X-ray or MRI. It is advisable to avoid using it when the patient is pregnant or uses a pacemaker.
Healing with Magnets the Right Way!
Magnetic therapy can ease pain, stop the spread of infection and heal the patient effectively. With the right understanding and application of magnetic acupressure therapy, a TCM practitioner can help their patients. He/she can restore the energy flow of the body and ensure the health of the patients.
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