You don't need a website to make money using the internet. You don't need to be a web based business to make money using the internet. It is surprisingly simple to promote your business online and not have a website.
Have you always thought you need a website to make money online?
Do you have a traditional business and no website and with no inclination to get one?
Did you know you don't have to have a website to get a web presence. Whilst is is highly advantageous it is not necessary.
There are many business owners that are letting the power of the internet pass them by simply because they feel scared, confused and have the theory that they must have a website.
There are many people out there that are not really very familiar with the internet but would like to tap into the lucrative affiliate money making system. When you decide to make money as an affiliate you get a unique website name with your affiliate code embedded which in theory give you your own website you don't have to maintain just promote.
You don't have to have a website to do any of these things....
Here is how you solve your problem.
- Utilise classified sites. There are hundreds of classified sites out there that will suit your business. Classifieds online are just like those you find traditionally in the newspaper. The difference is you can either pay a small fee to post or post for free. Most classified sites are free with an option to pay for more prominent listing online. Classified sites can be used regardless of having a website or not. If you are acting as an affiliate for a product or service you can usually post your affiliate website. I recommend if you don't want your business to be global or it is impossible for you to offer your service globally look for classified sites that are geographically located. There are plenty of sites that cater for cities and regions within the city.
- Utilise managed mailing lists. Mailing lists are great because you are sharing information with people who are looking for your information. These people choose to be on a list and choose to get emails. You don't get done for spamming and you don't have to purchase leads. The best thing of all you can send emails to thousands of people in one click. You can utilise managed mailing lists for as little as $12 a year.
- Join online forum discussions or blogs. You will be surprised what you will learn from others. These are a great form of online networking and can often bring in business.
Classifieds and managed mailing lists are the simplest of online promotion you can use. If you have a website you will be best to have it submitted to the search engines. But for those who don't you will find you will get enquiries using these services. Just a big word of advice - you must have an email address so people can contact you. To ensure you don't get spam to your real email address when listing grab yourself a hotmail or yahoo email account for free - it will save heartache later.
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