Mechanics Of The Drainage System
Drainage systems are present in the buildings to remove or to drain away the waste material from the building and carry it to the water treatment plant. Sewerage system is one of the most essential and pivotal systems that are installed in a building, whether industrial or residential. It is due to this inbuilt system that we enjoy drinking clean water and getting rid of the wastes from our working places.
Drainage systems are present in the buildings to remove or to drain away the waste material from the building and carry it to the water treatment plant. Sewerage system is one of the most essential and pivotal systems that are installed in a building,

whether industrial or residential. It is due to this inbuilt system that we enjoy drinking clean water and getting rid of the wastes from our working places. The ancient systems utilized sump pumps and other similar and brick lined channels for obtaining and draining water respectively. However as the technology has advanced newer and much more efficient systems have been devised. The system that is being used today is drain waste vent system (DWV). If water is to flow properly out of your home, all components must work properly. These drainage systems are different from the supply systems. The water supply systems are high pressure systems that employ the force of water to push forward.
Thus water is pushed to the houses using the pressure. However the force that is used by the drains is the gravity. The pipes and drains are arranged so that they pitch or angle downward towards the Earth. Gravity is a natural force that is present in the earth and pulls or attracts everything towards itself. Anything that is thrown above the surface of the ground comes back to it due to gravity. Pipes in the ground are placed so that they carry the water under the action of the gravity to the septic tank. Septic tanks are the storage places where all the dirty water is stored and then cleaned and distributed as fresh water to the houses and the industries. Treating process includes the removal of all the solid wastes followed by the flocculation of the debris with the help of chemicals. The water is then cleaned by filtration and evaporation to become clean. This clean water is then supplied to our houses.
However during the process of being carried to the septic tank it is helped by a system comprising vents, traps and cleanouts. The vents in the drainage system allow air into the drainage pipes. This helps in proper flow of the water. If the vents fail to work properly the water will not be efficiently carried to the water. Plumbing fixtures that are installed in our housesare the bridge between the supply and the drainage system. All of them are essentially provided with a drain trap. It is a S shaped or U shaped trap that traps all kind of grease and hairs and prevents them from clogging the drains. the traps also seal the sewer gas and prevents it from polluting our environment. Different kinds of fixtures have different forms of traps;commodes are self trapped and require no additional traps. Bathtubs have drum traps, kitchen sinks have a grease trap to trap the grease. All these drain cleaners are provided with the clean out plugs. So you can easily remove the plug and clean out any blockage.