MLM Recruiting-How To Replace The Missing Part Of Your Business-Duplication
Do you ever feel like you are doing everything you can for your MLM success and you still feel like you are spinning your wheels and your downline is ...
Do you ever feel like you are doing everything you can for your MLM success and you still feel like you are spinning your wheels and your downline is getting nowhere? This happens to many network marketers. It could be because you don’t know how to replace the missing part of your business-duplication. A networking endeavor can be compared to a business like McDonald's in many ways. The burger chain’s goal in the beginning was to sell their business to others as well as their product. When others bought into the business they would then sell the product (burgers) to the customers also. The more people that bought into the business,

the more products sold.A network marketing business is really no different. Networkers sell their opportunity to others as well as products, and the product is sold to consumers by all.The key to one of the world’s largest business opportunities, McDonald's is the fact that they have a duplicatable system. When networkers are having a hard time getting any concrete results it may be because they don’t know how to replace the missing part of your business-duplicationWhen this now mega opportunity first started out they really weren’t focusing on a restaurant, but the main focus was providing a machine that brought in customers, and then customers spent cash. The focus was not the food, it was the system.So, networkers need to ask themselves the question, “what am I marketing to my potential buyers or prospects”? If you are marketing in a way that pushes your company and your product, you may be doing yourself a disservice. Learning how to replace the missing part of your business-duplication, means learning how to create or find the system that bring in the customers.Those who have had mega success have done so by solving other people's problems. If you just market your opportunity, you are not really solving a problem. Products and pay plans won’t give networkers the desired success. Duplicateable systems do. Learning how to replace the missing part of your business-duplication, means that your system should be doing most the work for you and your team members. Your system should solve a problem. The system networkers use should provide a duplicateable way to bring customers or team members the results they have been searching for. Why is it that some networkers have people looking for them, seeking them out to join their team? It is because those networkers know how to replace the missing part of the business-duplication. It is because a problem is getting solved with a system that produces results.However, remember that just because a networker has a duplicateable system it does not mean that the final product that will be distributed to consumers can be a total mess and have no value. After all if the mega companies that are using a fine tuned system were providing an end product that was good for nothing, they wouldn’t have a customer base to feed the business owners.