Organization Is Key In Business
To be organized at home and at work is important for being productive.
Organization is very important. It doesn't matter if you are talking about keeping your work area clean,

the showroom clean, the factory floor organized, or your home office organized. They all use the same principles to do so and they all benefit you be doing so. So you can take some of the ideas that work and use them at home for coming up with a system to get the laundry done or the yard work done, or you can use these same principles to keep your work station clean at work.
What happens when you are not able to find an invoice or a work order, or a tool? The difference with this happening at home and at work is that when it happens at home, all you do is annoy yourself and waste your own time, but when it happens at work it is worse. First of all, any organization trying to compete in today's international marketplace is going to be implementing these things into their everyday work practices, but if they aren't, you should.
This is the type of thing that makes you better at what you do. Not only are you more organized, but you are better prepared and you can get your work done faster. This makes you look like a better worker, which you are because you took the time to make the changes and you cared enough to keep them in place and working.
Maybe you could even share them with others and get the entire department working more efficiently and smarter. There might be a raise in it for you if you're lucky. But worst case scenario, even if nobody notices it, which the definitely will, you have the satisfaction of knowing that you are doing the best that you can do. The idea is to do a job in the most efficient manner possible, with the least amount of waste as possible.
That does not just mean waste in the products that you're using to complete the job, but the time that you spend on that job as well. Time is valuable, you can't order more, you are unable to as or borrow any more, and you have what you have and if you can make better use of it, then you are going to be ahead of almost everybody else. Time is what you want and time is what you need to get more done. The more time you have, the more you can get done and the more money you make. It is as simple as that.