Few Decision makers see the link between between creativity and innovation management, as performed by MBA’s in firms, and creative endeavours such as screenwriting. In fact, there are very strong linkages.
Few Decision makers see the link between between creativity and innovation management, as performed by MBA’s in firms, and creative endeavours such as screenwriting. In fact, there are very strong linkages.
The problems that prevent individuals coming up with ideas, writing and then commercialising their screenplays are the very same as the problems that firms face when they attempt to motivate their people to come up with innovative ideas - whether it be innovation of product, process, paradigm or positioning.
The root of the problem can be defined within organizational culture:
A screenwriter sitting at his desk may sit motionless for hours waiting for the big idea. But he suffers from the same symptom as the person sitting in a brainstorming session in a corporate environment. The screenwriter, in reality, has plenty of ideas, but evaluation anxiety prevents her from valuing them positively, just as evaluation apprehension prevents the corporate brainstormer from saying what he really thinks:
a) Fear of being unoriginal
b) Fear of being perceived as unintelligent
c) Lacking in competencies and consequently confidence in the domain
d) Not valuing his or her own contribution
e) Status deference to higher status individuals
f) The illusion of difficulty
g) Waiting for the big idea
h) Misunderstanding the concept of “originality”
i) Lack of appreciation of the value of incremental creativity and overemphasising radical creativity
j) Lack of novel thinking
k) Lack of diverse thinking
l) Lack of focus and defined goal
The solution includes having an atmosphere of psychological safety and freedom…..
but these and other topics are covered in depth in the MBA dissertation on Managing Creativity & Innovation, which can be purchased (along with a Creativity and Innovation DIY Audit, Good Idea Generator Software and Power Point Presentation) from http://www.managing-creativity.com/
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Kal Bishop, MBA
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