Outsourcing clipping path service to low labor cost reason can save your money. The only challenge you have to face in this regard is to find out the right image clipping partner for your project.
This this age of ecommerce the image of the product is taking the place of superstore. Now, we can buy everything over the internet. Here, we have to choose the product by seeing the image and specification. While the image instead of the real product is the determiner of the purchase decision of the buyer, we understand how importance it’s to use a perfect image to ensure the profit. Clipping path service is considered as the first step to do image enhancement. Since creating image clipping is quite time consuming task it costs a lot in a developed country. In this case if clipping path service is outsourced to low labor cost reason, especially the developing countries, it can save a lot of money for the image administrator from a high wage reason like USA, AU, UK etc.
At first it may seem to be a hassle to outsource your image editing project to third party instead of your in-house studio. But if you take it as a test project to outsource the project it may change your perspective. Working with a professional image editing studio will relieve you from the hassle of image editing treatment like deep etching.
Now, let’s go to the main point. How much it will save you if you outsource your image clipping project? The answer is very easy. Let’s compare your local market price with the regular deep etching rate of the offshoring studio. We believe you pay normally $1.50 USD to 2.50 USD for clipping a shoe image in your local market but you can do it from $0.49 USD to $0.99 USD from an off-shoring image editing studio like Clipping Mask Asia. Now, calculate your daily, weekly or even monthly saving on your total volume of images. You are shocked to be late! You may start your trial project right now to check the truth of my statement.
Before finishing the article I would like to convey you some warning message while choosing your outsourcing partner. Please consider the following points very carefully:
If you are satisfied with the answer of these questions you make take the hiring decision. Remember, choosing the wrong company can be the wastage of your money and time. Wishing you good luck for outsourcing clipping path service!
Importance of Image Optimization for Better E-commerce Web Development
Proper image optimization is must for creating a user friendly and Google friendly website. This article will explore how we can easily optimize our image to make it quite professional. When the website is the only interface with the customers there should not have any flaw.Photo Clipping- The Best Image Extraction Technique
There are different image extraction techniques in Photoshop like quick selection, magic wand, lasso tool, image masking etc but photo clipping is the best one that ensures the best quality of photo cut out.Why Clipping Mask Asia is Special for Photo Clipping?
Photo clipping is provided by many online studios but not all of them are good enough. Clipping Mask Asia has been the best clipping path service provider from South Asia of its special and unique qualities.