In the field of marketing, money is the name of the game and when companies come up with innovative techniques to earn some extra income people get attracted to the idea like vultures do to meat.
Conventional marketing firms require a swanky education and an impressive resume to guarantee a job, but lately multi-level marketing companies like Qnet have sprung and are providing job opportunities to common people. This has, in a way, increased the standard of living of the number of individuals. The ideology adopted by these companies is simple and effective and requires the job to be done at one’s own pace. MLM companies have the potential to become leaders in the marketing arena. These companies have spread far and wide helping people escape the economic crisis and paving a path for people to earn money without the ownership of a high end educational certificate.
Companies like Qnet have spread in also 222 countries and are on a spiral journey to the top. These companies allow business transactions to occur on one to one basis, without using an external source like advertisements for promotional. The business plan states that the seller is a member who is enrolled in the company by investing some capital and sells the product directly to a buyer. This kind of business strategy is termed as direct selling. This form of marketing enables a unique method of distribution and fosters community development, personal enhancement and seller- customer recognition.
The business propaganda of MLM companies exhibits strategies of direct selling and networking, but off late these mechanisms have been mixed up with another business strategy called pyramid marketing. The difference between the two is pyramid marketing deals with recruitment of members without actual sale while direct marketing requires sale of products or services. Companies like Qnet have suffered gravely due to this confusion. Disgruntled rival companies have tarnished the image of MLM companies due to their raging success. As a result media has added fuel to fire by the offending newspaper articles complying with the fact that these companies are fraudulent. As a result, when people hear such horrendous reviews they will concede and not indulge in the Multi-level marketing for obvious reasons.
The accusation surfaced all over the web and the reviews begun to take a twisted turn. When investigations were carried out to unveil the truth, the evidence spoke volumes. It was noted that the reviews were made by rival companies and distressed members with the motive to hamper the reputation of the MLM companies. Companies like Qnet suffered ample of humiliating remarks and conjectures but somehow using their experience of 14 years in the marketing industry, they have picked up pace and continued their business strategies as before. The consumers hold the key to success for companies in the corporate sector hence in future they must be vigilant when it comes to investment of their money. The market is filled with a diverse choice but ultimately the decision is in the hand of the customers. So choose wisely without falling prey to baseless rumours.
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