The working of a multi-level marketing (MLM) Network marketing companies has have always sometimes been looked upon with doubt. Why? For the simple reason that some people have had a good experience while others have had a bad one.
The one’s with a bad experience speak about it so much that even if we haven’t experienced it all and know only one part of the story, we end up generalizing about it. The Rumors of a QNET scam has fallen prey to such rumors particularly because have risen possibly because of a few independent representatives who did not benefit from it all were not successful at the business. The reasons of which are just know to them.
Qnet really doesn’t need an introduction but for those who are new to the concept of multi-level marketing companies, QNET is a direct selling company which offers products from various segments like jewellery, nutrition products, watches, vacation packages etc. It is was recently ranked by Direct Selling News as one of the best MLM the 5th most successful network marketing company in Asiaies around. It is because of its structure that this company has gained popularity amongst those who wish to boost their income.
This is how it works. Become a member, sell products and get compensated. Recruit members and gain a commission for it as well. It’sn’t that great? But the sad part is with success, one makes enemies. This lead to two effects, rivals either work hard or mar the image of its competitors. The latter being simpler, most of the rivals take to damaging the image of its competitor by spreading false rumors, and what better platform than the Iinternet?
The ‘so- called’ QNET scam was brought to light due to numerous write write-ups that surfaced on the web. Tell me something, when a movie is released, do you just trust read the reviews and decide whether to watch it or not without making your own judgment? What if it stars your favorite actor but has a really terrible review? You still go watch it don’t you would you still go watch it? So then when it comes to products and services, why do you stick to just the review? The person evaluating has a different outlook, need and reasons for the criticism. The review is based on whether the product or service is meeting his needs. A product which doesn’t meet his requirements can meet yours perfectly. How can it be generalized?
Some independent representatives (IR) or the other people who talk about a QNET scam do it only because they did not benefit from itmay have failed at the business. But who knows whether they understood the working business completely and put in their 100% to the task? Even though people take up QNet membership as an addition to earn income, it cannot be ignored. Being a part of QNET isn’t enough to earn income. One needs to put in efforts and time to benefit from it see returns. The money isn’t going to come to you rather you have to work hard to earn it.
The company guarantees growth frequently emphasizes that success comes but that’s onlyonly with through efforts hard work. How can it the business be treated like called the QNET scams when you are not following the instructions to the putting in the work? As a member of this company, it is indeed sad to see people using the web to spread false information and trying to damage the image of the company that can help one to grow be financially free. It not only portrays the company in the wrong light but also discourages people from being a part of it.
I’ve been an active member of this company and I would say that not even once have I regretted my decision of being to be a part of it. I’ve been compensated adequately since the time I’ve joined. One would find numerous results on QNET scam but how would you know whether the sources of the allegations is are valid credible or not? How about making your own decisions than blindly following the rest?
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