Reaching Top Decision Makers

Apr 20


Duane Cashin

Duane Cashin

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Top decision makers are the ones you need to deal with. There are several ways to get results and this article will show you how to do it.


If you want to consistently capture the attention of top decision makers you must learn to speak their language.  One of the many things I learned from my years of working with Tony Parinello,Reaching Top Decision Makers Articles the author of the best selling business book Selling To VITO, is “You will end up in a company with the person you sound the most like.”  That is so true!  For example if you call and speak “cost cutting” and ”techno- babble” you will be sent to the IT department.  On the other hand if you speak the language of top line growth, strategic and competitive advantage you will be sent to the C-Suite.

I know what you’re thinking: “I’ve tried to get folks from the C-Suite involved in my sales process and it’s impossible!”  I appreciate your perspective.  I really do, because at one time that was my perspective as well.  However here’s the reality.  The majority of sales people do not pause and take into account who they are approaching and then adjust their language and focus based on that individual’s position.  This is one of the reasons why the majority of sales people get “toasted” when they do try to start their sales cycle high.

Here are 3 things you can take as absolutes:

1. Executives are under significant pressure to make the right decisions and get results.
2. As a result of number one they are constantly on the look out for ideas, information and insights that will help them make effective decisions and gain a competitive advantage.
3. If you present information to an executive that offers them effective ideas on how to deal with the trends, issues and threats they are currently facing in their industry, they will talk with you.

The opportunity that lies before you is to differentiate yourself by taking your business acumen and communication skills up a notch.  The bar has been raised for all of us today and the day of the “one dimensional” competitor is gone.

Any and all time you spend in learning the language of top decision makers will be well invested in your present and future success.