If you think that used oil is only relevant to industrial or commercial customers, then it's time to think again. Environmental concerns impact all members of a community. The outsized impact of environmental problems on municipalities of all sizes makes them a concern for civic leaders as well as members of the local business community.
Oil recycling programs are an especially attractive option for communities that want to build a greener future for their citizens. Additionally, they offer several opportunities for local communities to stimulate economic growth and improve civic engagement while also helping the Earth. Keep reading to discover four reasons your community should consider designing a local oil recycling program.
Dumped Oil is a Community Concern
Massive oil spills and disasters get a lot of attention, but small-scale oil contamination is a much more significant concern for most communities. Even a relatively small amount of oil can result in wide-scale contamination of soil or groundwater. When extended to an entire community of individuals and businesses, even small amounts of improper oil disposal can lead to disaster.
Because dumped oil has the potential to impact so many lives, municipalities have a responsibility to ensure that proper disposal methods are available. Building a program at a community-level is an opportunity to create greater compliance and turn recycling into a civic duty. Sponsored programs also help to highlight the availability of recycling for individuals who may not be aware that the option exists.
Recycling Programs Offer an Outreach Opportunity
While businesses are often aware of their recycling options (and may face stiffer regulatory requirements to use them), individuals may not be. Making outreach a part of any community program helps individuals understand how they can contribute while getting rid of their own waste oil. For areas with a large proportion of do-it-yourself car owners, this can be an especially valuable service.
Outreach can help businesses, too. Many smaller auto shops, car washing facilities, and other small companies may not be aware of the best ways to deal with their used oil products. Helping these heavy users to partner with a local oil recycling company can have a drastic impact on the amount of waste oil that finds its way into the environment.
Oil Recycling Stimulates Local Economic Growth
One of the most common uses for recycled oil is as burner fuel. This recycled petroleum product allows industrial facilities to fuel their equipment at a lower price and without the need to purchase "fresh" oil. Recycled fuel oil quality is more than sufficient for most burners, so widespread availability of recycled burner oil can help local companies to cut their costs.
By working with a local oil recycler to ensure that a more significant portion of used oil is recycled, your community can help to develop this important supply chain. Greater access to recovered fuel means that companies will have more money to spend on capital investment and employment, potentially offering a knock-on boost to the local economy.
Recycling Programs Create Business and Community Partnerships
Since your community will not be developing its own facilities for recovering oil, working with a local oil recycler will be a vital part of any program. Providing a central drop-off location for individuals to dispose of motor oil presents an opportunity for your community to work with an oil recycler to collect and reprocess that used oil.
By partnering with a local oil recycler, you'll help your community's economy in more ways than one. In addition to the economic benefits of making fuel oil available to other businesses, your community can direct business to local recyclers over large national ones. These partnerships can help to keep local dollars in your community.