Employees can face a variety of temperatures on the jobsite every day. Whether hot or cold, the employees should be provided protection to ensure they are safe. Focusing on Occupational Health can improve the working conditions for each position within the facility. A Certified Industrial Hygienist can be your company’s resource for taking the appropriate steps to safeguard each employee.
Employees can face a variety of temperatures on the jobsite every day. Whether hot or cold, the employees should be provided protection to ensure they are safe. Focusing on Occupational Health can improve the working conditions for each position within the facility. A Certified Industrial Hygienist can be your company’s resource for taking the appropriate steps to safeguard each employee.
Hot environments present unique challenges for employees working in these conditions. High heat environments exists both outside during summer months and inside the facility near equipment that requires the heat to operate effectively. Heat can cause exhaustion, dehydration, or heat stroke depending on the length of exposure to the high temperatures. Less obvious problems when working around high temperatures can present through safety glasses that fog, inhibiting the workers ability to see or sweaty hands that reduce grip while working. Each safety concern can be adequately addressed by a Certified Industrial Hygienist. Safety equipment may be utilized to shield the worker from the heat or improve their ability to work in that environment.
Low temperatures present completely different challenges for the workers than high heat. Workers should insulate themselves from the temperatures through appropriate clothing. The amount of time the employee is in the environment should be monitored with scheduled breaks to ensure the employee is not in danger.
Temperature control is an important aspect to maintain for each employee. Some job environments are inherently hot or cold and the appropriate steps should be put into place by your company to ensure each worker is safe. A Certified Industrial Hygienist can work with your company to make the necessary preparations to safeguard each employee. Click hereto contact a Certified Industrial Hygienist to begin working with your company to focus on the Occupational Health of each employee. Employees continue to be one of the most costly assets of any company; as such, the workers should be protected through adequate policies and equipment to ensure their safety. Start the process today to improve Occupational Health. The workers will individually benefit right away by conducting their daily duties in a safer environment. The company benefits by having healthy and productive employees, which leads to improved efficiency in production. The company can avoid costly OSHA fines by taking proactive steps to keep the employees safe. Ensure the success of your company’s future by focusing on the Occupational Health of each employee today and take the first step to a brighter tomorrow.
Occupational Health Overcomes Everyday Hazards
Many workers face different types of hazards on a daily basis. Each company has a responsibility to proactively protect their employees from hazards encountered in the workplace. Accidents or injuries can bring production to a halt, reduce the workforce while the employee is recovering and lead to costly worker compensation claims. A Certified Industrial Hygienist can help your company improve the Occupational Health present at your facility.The Risk from Asbestos
Asbestos poses a major health risk in many office buildings and homes due to the wide adoption and usage of asbestos as an insulator in the construction process. Asbestos can be found in the glue beneath vinyl flooring or in material applied to concrete to regulate the temperature between floors in an office building. These buildings and homes are being remodeled and modernized as an update to the space, but the demolition process can be hazardous if asbestos is present. Test for asbestos prior to starting your next remodeling project to ensure workers are safe.Communicating the Dangers with HazCom
Hazard Communication focuses on explaining the dangers present at the workplace. The employees have a right to understand the hazards present and how to remain safe on the jobsite. A Certified Industrial Hygienist can work with your company to fulfill the HazCom requirement set forth by OSHA.