With The One Minute Millionaire, Robert Allen introduced to the world the enlightened way to accumulate millions of dollars. The book offers a number of different investment strategies to help future millionaires follow the enlightened path to wealth. As Robert Allen suggests, an investors can choose between real estate, stocks & bonds, mutual funds, and even gold. One of my favorite investment strategies involves purchasing investment properties.
As we learned from Robert Allenin The One Minute Millionaire, purchasing an investment property offers up a number of advantages to the investor.
Interactive – For many people, investing in mutual funds is boring. Once the mutual fund has been purchased and the amount of the monthly investment decided, there is not a whole lot of work to be done. This is great for some people who are looking for a hassle free investment that is sure to give them a solid return over the long run. On the other hand, many people view investing as a hobby and want to be more actively involved in ensuring the success of the investment. Purchasing an investment property allows the investor the opportunity to become actively involved in the investment. Depending on the investment propertythere may be lots of hands on improvements and repairs that can be made over time. In this manner, purchasing and maintaining an investment property because an interactive experience. Those favoring investment properties over mutual funds will tell you they not only derive great returns from owning real estate, but they find the whole experience much more satisfying.
Rate of Return – Just like any investment, investment properties can just as easily fall in value as they can rise in value. There is no law that states the value of a real estate property must continually be on the rise. However, given this grain of salt it must also be noted that over the long term investment properties typically provide a similar rate of return as mutual funds. Thus, if you make long term investment in an investment property then you are likely to benefit from a comfortable appreciation in the value of the property.
Tax Benefits – There are a variety of tax benefits associated with an investment property. If you invest in real estate property you can make the most of deductions available related to interest paid on the properties. To learn how to structure your tax strategy and make the most of your investment propertyyou should meet with a tax professional.
Regardless of how you decide to invest your savings, making the most of a financial plan and following it with discipline is the key to having a satisfying retirement. Robert Allen’s The One Minute Millionaire helps outline many great investment strategies, including how to make successful investments in an investment property.
Spending the Millionaire Cash Flow
Are you sure you want to be rich? I mean really rich? Like the kind of rich where you have so much cash flow coming in you don’t even know what do with all this money – except for swim in it. Being a millionaire would definitely be great. Think about all the great things you could do with your millions in cash flow.The One Great Way to Make Money
Is there one great way to make money? The simple answer is no. In fact there are a variety of great ways to make money. Just ask Robert Allen or Mark Victor Hansen, two of America’s foremost experts on creating wealth. A few of the great ways to make money include investment (be it in real estate, mutual funds, stocks etc.), entrepreneurial ventures, or via rapid corporate promotions. Each path to wealth offers its own unique advantages, but if you are looking for the one great way to make money that anybody can follow then you have come to the right place.Online Business Intelligence Helps Get the Job Done
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