Sending Commodities To The Country Of Mexico
Learn what are prohibition and limitations in sending commodities to Mexico
Mexico follows the guidelines of the World Trade Organization and complies with free trade treaties with the countries of Canada and the United States via the NAFTA agreement,

with the European Union and many other locations. Therefore, shipping commodities to Mexico particularly from the countries of Canada and the United States is easy and could be done through the USPS, by using exclusive delivery companies for example UPS, FedEx or non-government special shipping services when weighty packages are a must within a reasonable quantity of time.Small personal packages necessarily mean that you have to follow the standard steps used for just about any package, which are: the correct packing of the product so as to be retained securely in one piece during its transit; weighing the cargo and paying out the duty and shipping tax for the actual weight; acquiring insurance coverage being shielded in case there is loss or destruction; properly sticking the postage labeling which should include the right address with the specific postal code. For packages which you import to a recipient in Mexico it is essential to place a 5-five-digit postal code before the city name and to type the name of the country clearly in caps.One more task you ought to do and show specific care to when shipping a package to the country of Mexico would be filling the custom papers. Request for the proper papers from the shipping service provider. For the USPS you would are required to complete the PS Form 2976 or the PS Form 2976-A, which is an alternative of the previous one and the envelope Form 2976-E. In case you are looking at selling a product, you have to affix an invoice written in Spanish, English or French that needs to consist of all the needed details including the seller’s tax identification number or other particular data and transportation paperwork, certificates of origin and specific details for particular products. If you will be sending items that surpass $70 in cost you will automatically have to stick an invoice, and you will be needing permits or licenses for merchandise exceeding 5000 Mexican pesos.Just before preparing the item, you should be careful of specific size limitations, which are around 79 inches in length and girth combined. There are also selected prohibition and limitations when sending commodities to Mexico. You are not allowed to send items that encroach copyright, biological ingredients, several valuable items, and weapons. Chocolate and medical products will need prior authorization.