Turbo Lister is incredible. If I can use Turbo Lister, anyonecan use Turbo Lister. Before you get started listing your eBayitems with Turbo Lister, you will need to know the answers to thefollowing questions.
Turbo Lister is incredible. If I can use Turbo Lister, anyonecan use Turbo Lister. Before you get started listing your eBayitems with Turbo Lister, you will need to know the answers to thefollowing questions.
--What do you want the title to be?--What do you want the price to be?--What is the description of your item?--Do you have a picture of your item?
Turbo Lister gives you spaces to fill in all of these answers andmore. It’s one of those "what you see is what you get" pieces ofsoftware. It takes every little section of your listing or yourauction and asks you to fill that out. So you don’t have to knowany HTML. I know a little HTML now; I’ve had to learn a little.When I started selling on eBay, I knew no HTML. Let me repeat, Ididn’t know any HTML.
With Turbo Lister, you can get an HTML listing without knowingHTML. I love colors and I think colors help sell. I get onTurbo Lister and pick the color I want, the font size and allsorts of things like that just to make my listing a little moreattractive. When eBay started years ago, you could just typesomething in black and white and it really didn’t matter. Youwant to use some color and you want to find something that’sattractive, so buyers will stay on your page and read down to thebottom. Your whole goal on the listing is for them to place abid.
You can download Turbo Lister to your own computer for free.That's right. Just go to the help section of eBay and type in"download Turbo Lister". You will get a link of the current pagefor Turbo Lister. Download it immediately and away you go toeBay profits and simplifying your life!
Turbo Lister Helps with Multiple eBay Listings
The nice thing about Turbo Lister is it keeps track of all your listings. I can spend as much time as I want typing all the different items for eBay, and then highlight. In the bottom right-hand corner, there’s a little button that says, "Upload to eBay".Bored, Nothing to Do This Summer???
Boredom in children can produce creativity. Think about it. When your children are bored, they often find something to do on their own. It takes creativity to imagine and invent your own "project".Free Informaion How to Start an eBay Business
Before I started on eBay, I was afraid to do anything. Basically, I was too scared to list an auction because I didn't really understand the workings of eBay. In this lesson, I want to give you a few suggestions to get started on eBay