Single Farm Payment Scheme: An Overview
Single Farm Payment is a subsidy provided to the farmers in the European Union.
Single Farm Payment Scheme
The Single Farm Payment Scheme is a type of subsidy that has been provided to the farmer in the European Union. This subsidy has replaced the individual Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) subsidy which was previously allocated to the farmers. It was applied on 1-1-2005.
Eligibility Criteria
In order to get subsidies under SPS scheme,
you must fulfill the given below requirements:
- One has to be a farmer and doing a farming activity.
- One has to have a definite amount of land under farming activity.
- Any field to be declared to have SPF entitlements must be of 0.1 hectares. For having special Entitlements, one must satisfy the needs specified for agricultural activity prescribed by the concerned department.
- The land on which one wants to have entitlements must be at one's disposal at the time of filing of claim.
- Land owner will be liable for Cross Compliance obligations. More information for Cross Compliance can be getting from Cross Compliance guidance booklets.
- To receive SFP, one must propose a Single Application from (SAF-1) on or before 15th May every year.
Important Guidelines:
- One can apply for SPF by filling the above stated SAF-1 form under a Single Application. The application can be filed by hand or on-line.
- Application packs are being issued each year, around mid of March, to the farmers who claimed SFP in the preceding year.
- Every application pack contains a SAF1 and a Field Data Sheet (FDS) along with a guidance booklet on how to complete both these forms. The guide will too enlighten any changes to the SFP scheme from the preceding year, the important points you require to comprise and return dates for applications.
- The closing date for applications is typically 15 May each year. Though, if the 15 May is a Saturday, Sunday or public festival/holiday, the department will continue accepting applications on the next working day without fine.
- It is also likely that further important dates, for instance, the date for amending applications (usually 31 May) or the last date for accepting belatedly applications (usually 9 June) can change. This might be since they fall on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, or for the reason that the closing date for applications (15 May) has moved. For example
- The Department will commence the important dates for every scheme year in the "Guide on How to Complete your Single Application and Field Data Sheet(s)". You should constantly check these carefully.
A press release is also issued around the same time as the application packs. This reminds farmers that the application period has opened and advises those who do not automatically take delivery of an application pack, to contact SFP Branch in Orchard House. An application pack will be issued on request then.
(Originally taken from a .pdf file issued by The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, UK)