Solar Air Heat Is an Easy and Inexpensive Way to Heat Your Home
Solar power can be used for a wide variety of things from generating free electricity to warming the water you use in your home. A growing segment of homeowners are also using the free heat the sun provides to warm their homes with a solar air heat system. These systems are inexpensive to install and can easily warm any sized home with free and abundant sunlight.
Solar air heat systems have been available for decades and provide a very inexpensive and ecologically responsible way to heat a room or an entire house. They rely on the heat the sun provides everyday for free to directly heat the air entering a room. These solar heat systems are very simple in design and can usually be installed by the homeowner themselves reducing the overall cost of the system.
Basic Heating Process
The basic operation of a solar air heat system involves a series of solar heat collectors that are typically mounted to the roof of the home. These solar heat panels can vary in their construction,
but typically provide an open chamber that is exposed to sunlight and allows the air contained within the solar heat collector to be heated. In many of these designs, this chamber is comprised of a series of pipes that snake back and forth within the enclosure. This is to allow a longer path for the air to travel before entering the home, which allows it to gain more heat from the sun on its longer travels. A simple fan assembly is used on some of the larger solar air heating systems to ensure that the warm air is circulated through the home. Other systems use the natural movement of the warmer air to provide the necessary circulation.
System Availability
These solar air heat systems are available commercially and can either be assembled from a kit or professionally installed on your home. If you have some basic handyman abilities, you can install the system yourself in an afternoon. Many of the systems provide solar heat panels that can be mounted to the roof of the home where they will have adequate access to the sunlight needed to heat the air. Other systems are smaller and can be installed on an exterior wall of the room you are using the system to heat. A southern facing wall provides the best sun exposure so keep this in mind when installing one of these systems.
System Expansion Is Easy
This type of heating system is very efficient and can easily provide all the heat your home requires from simple sunlight. You can add as many panels as you need to heat virtually any sized home and even use a solar electric home solar power systems to provide the electricity required to operate the circulation fans. These modern solar air heat systems are designed to provide a complete solution for every climate and will last for decades on the average home. Many homeowners are combining a solar air heat installation with a system that provides solar electricity for their home to save even more money each month on their energy bills.
DIY Installation
You also have the option of building a simple solar air heat system from scratch for your home. There are several good websites that can provide the plans and the parts you need to build your own solar air heat system from scratch. These sites offer all the parts you need for one of these systems as well as complete diagrams and assembly manuals. This helps to make the construction easier and ensure you have a working system when you finished. Some of these DIY solar air heat systems are built from very common parts that you can easily find around your home. This helps keep the cost low and allows a basic solar air heat system to fit any budget.
Professional Installation
All though these home solar power systems are the least complicated of your options for utilizing the Sun's abundant energy, a professional installation provides you a certain piece of mind that can be well worth the extra cost. If you intend to sell your house this is the recommended option as a professional solar installer will make sure that your system is up to code and you attain any necessary permits for your locale. This helps when selling your home as you won't need to remove the system or try and go back and get your system permitted after the fact. Just some things to think about when weighing your options.