Stainless steel pipe fatigue damage detection
When laboratory specimens or after work to check the stainless steel tube fatigue damage, and observed a crack or intermittent continuity "marked", how to determine this is a fatigue crack, stress corrosion cracking, folding, or some other type of continuity or discontinuity of the part to be inspected anomalous zone?
Usually stainless steel pipe must rely on research to solve metallurgy,

including cut test, fracture analysis, electronic fracture studies, electron beam micro-area analysis. Although these methods seem to be fairly straightforward, but the fracture mechanism of experienced staff is all familiar with, and the resulting interpretation of the results of these methods is often disagreed. And it is necessary in order to recognize that, as detection methods become more sensitive, more specific and can be unearthed earlier stage of fatigue, can be expected to determine the issue of fatigue damage and even become more difficult. To effectively dispose of some of the subsequent patent, clearly need to figure out the location of the more detail of the suspicious area, orientation, and other factors. Furthermore, experience has shown that accidental leakage accidentally causes defects or actually all worn away, resulting in inaccurate results. Usually stainless seamless steel pipe manufacturer is considering another plan on the part of their work environment to further use and periodic decomposition and re-examination. Despite the fact that this is a fully established program, but it is very expensive, time consuming, and there is an inherent possibility that additional loss due to injury or equipment, rupture may just occur in non-desired moment. Further, since only a part of a component of composite components, cracking or other failure may result in the termination of the test item; therefore, the stainless steel pipe is often inconclusive test. So, after a rough evaluation shows that few exceptions, approaches the study's usually not so frank. Most of the information is relevant and fatigue damage under controlled conditions from research laboratories come. Only when the working conditions can be simulated in the laboratory, the results obtained can be used for fatigue authentic stainless steel tube. However, the stainless steel tube rotating at high speed in a gas turbine engine component, in many cases in the desired order to generate the test chamber conditions, is extremely difficult if not impossible to. For example, air pressure transient parking maple, tend to form a fatigue can have a very serious situation in dynamic conditions. Although in the operation stop condition of the test chamber is possible, but some of the stainless steel tube in the working environment conditions encountered in combination, such as accidental ingestion (sand and plant uptake, particularly helicopter engines) moisture, foreign objects, rotary strength, and temperature, humidity, and changes in height, it is difficult in the laboratory or even impossible to get. Moreover, in no moment is not part of the operation, flight conditions, mechanical tolerances and adjustments may change, these are completely unable to understand. Therefore, the operation pattern in the test chamber cannot be supposed to be very realistic. In addition, some foreign test problems will occur, for example, field-type test newly scheme is simulated flight conditions in a small laboratory, the researchers twice between the engine running, compressor disk (mounted on the turbine engine) on crack propagation arising from the use, in the end how destructive measure stainless steel tube. Unfortunately, there are two engine bearings rupture. For economic considerations, had to give this test has been partially completed. Despite this. In order to study fatigue damage and its detection, in the current research laboratory is still the most gainful way.