Busy as you are, you may still not feel that you’re using your time well. Time management systems don’t address this fundamental issue. This article does.
Racing to the next meeting. Hurrying to finish the project.
That can define your days. And busy as you are, it can still leave you feeling that you haven’t used your time well.
With all our many time management systems, time still seems to slip by. You haven’t accomplished everything you wanted to.
The fundamental basis of time management is that it’s a limited resource, something to be managed and every drop squeezed out of it.
That can leave you feeling exhausted.
I’m here to recommend an alternative.
Instead of clock-watching, focus on your priorities instead. What is most important to you in terms of the impact that you want to have?
In order to do that, you’ll have to clearly define for yourself and for your company what your intended impact is. How will you grow and develop your amazing self and company and contribute to making the world better for all of us? That’s the essential question about your impact.
To focus you in, it’s valuable to develop one statement that, on a high level, encompasses the impact you want to have.
You may already have that clarity. If you do, write it down! That’s your Impact Purpose statement.
If you don’t, one way to start to access that clarity is to think back on the things you’ve done that have felt very fulfilling for you. Is there a common thread?
Once you have your Impact Purpose statement, incorporate a focus on impact into your planning, and each quarter, each week, and each day will give you the opportunity to have more impact.
If you can include at least one impactful thing in your day, you’ll make a big impact over time.
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