Surface treatment technology of precision seamless steel tube
Precision seamless surface treatment technology, a combination of compensation for multilayer bellows, as long as the stiffness allowed less than a combination of multi-layered thin layer plate combination corrosion.
Blocking corrosive media or complex precision seamless contact with the external environment,

but also to prevent stress corrosion cracking in a good measure of the actual application. There are two commonly used measures of blocking, which one is blocked by other materials. Precision seamless outer finale to the compensator is to prevent corrosion of high chloride groundwater at work outside the bellows is also a protective bellows; Some bellows compensator in a separate sleeve outside compensation device; some compensator to prevent high chloride ion corrosion, within the precision seamless layer of anti-corrosion materials to make additional bellows, using the results are good. Special chemical polishing solution can be achieved while removing burrs, oxide, even the purpose of removing excess wire size. Another example is a special solution for some flake precision seamless parts, bigger size, you can also take advantage of reduced thickness electrochemical polishing appropriate size, to meet product size requirements. Qiejia milling precision seamless material will need to be processed at the site of exposure to the chemical milling solution Qiejia be milled to obtain a certain shape or size of the parts, to achieve a three-dimensional decorative purposes. In order to prevent the emergence of precision seamless micro-leakage protective gas furnace should maintain a certain positive. Precision steel furnace vapor. On the one hand to check the furnace material is dry, the initial installed furnace, furnace materials must be dried; Second, whether into the furnace of precision seamless residual excessive water damage, especially if there are holes in the tube above the words, do not leak into the, or else put the furnace atmosphere full destroyed. Note that these are basically normal, then open the furnace should retire after about 20 meters stainless steel will begin to shine, light was reflective of that. Precision seamless elastic deformation, the construction of improper operation easy to make precision seamless vertical deformation even greater instability, seriously affect the use of the function. Therefore, when large-diameter plastic pipe production equipment after the end of the pipe must be pre-disposal equipment selection is good, cooked to study the production of plastic pipe did not pass the required quality to meet the request of the selection of Canon pretreatment equipment. Precision seamless steel tubes by cold plastic deformation can improve their strength. This is due to the material increase in the resistance to plastic deformation caused by the dislocation motion. Solid solution strengthening by alloying (alloying elements) composed of a solid solution, the metal material known as a solid solution strengthening to be strengthened. Phase transformation strengthening. Alloying metal material, the solid phase transformation, to obtain desired structure by means of heat treatment occurs, the metal material to be strengthened, called phase transformation strengthening. Phase change can be divided into two categories precipitation strengthening strengthen (or dispersion strengthening). Precision seamless steel pipe alloying elements can form a stable compound, under certain conditions, and allowed to form a second phase compound precipitated from the solid solution, dispersed in tissue distribution, thereby effectively improving the strength of the material is usually deposited alloy carbide phase compounds. In the low-alloy steel (low-alloy structural steel and low alloy heat resistant steel), and a variety of carbide precipitates mainly on strengthening low-alloy high-temperature heat resistant steel carbide is the most effective body-centered cubic crystal. Martensite strengthening. Precision seamless After quenching and subsequent tempering heat treatment process, availability martensite strengthening the material. Martensite strengthening elements can only be applied in the working temperature is not too high, working under high temperature conditions to strengthen the components can not use this method. Grain boundary strengthening. The free part of the grain boundary can be high, and there are a lot of defects and holes at low temperatures, grain boundaries impede dislocation motion, and thus the grain boundary strength than itself; but at high temperatures, along the grain boundary The diffusion rate is much greater than the diffusion rate within the grain, the grain boundary strength decreased significantly. Therefore, grain boundary strengthening to improve the heat resistance of steel is very effective.