Take your business to new heights with crane hoists

Dec 14


Rupert Smith

Rupert Smith

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If your business is no longer making the profits that it used to, consider using technology like crane hoists to make your operations faster and more efficient.


Today’s industries are very competitive which is why the market has seen an increase in the number of crane hoists sold all over the globe. Now,Take your business to new heights with crane hoists Articles more than ever, customers are expecting things to happen much faster than they ever did before and expect to pay a price that is substantially smaller than in previous times. There are only two ways to deal with this predicament. The first way is to just lower the price and to speed things up by hiring more and more hands to do the job. This way leads to a dramatic decrease in the profit margin of a company and is therefore unacceptable to most people. The other way to keep clients, who are few and far between, for many of us, is to increase the speed with technology and use fewer employees to offset the cost of the new and improved equipment that is purchased. On the surface this may seem like an unrealistic thing to do. It really does work when you look at the numbers. Crane hoists can pay for themselves in man hours saved and therefore allow you to shrink your work force.

Change is usually a tough thing for some individuals to accept so therefore many are resistant to changing how they do things. The feeling is usually that the standard way they have been doing things for many years has worked this long so why change it. The reason is that nowadays what you are dong is not necessarily working the way it should, or for that matter, used to. Humans are just not as strong or as efficient as machines. This is not to say that machines are smarter than humans, since we can all agree that is not the case. Machines can work nonstop for hours on end and require no water breaks or meals or overtime, making them cheaper and easier to keep working for you. It is true that machines need maintenance; in fact, the maintenance for a typical truck mounted crane hoist is about one hour per week. To put that in perspective, if you pay an employee for breaks and lunch for the entire week, then go ahead and multiply their hourly rate by at least five wasted hours. You will see very quickly that just the time you save on the breaks and meals can pay for your crane in a matter of months. Not to belabor the issue, but if the machine does the work of four men, which is realistic, take that number you came up with and multiply it by four. That is real savings.

Change is tough for lots of people to accept when they are not fully informed of the costs versus the benefits. The more we learn about how change can help us in how we run our lives and our businesses, the more likely you will be to see the need for tools such as overhead crane hoists.

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