Taking the Path of Least Resistance
Doing things the easy way is what is going to make you successful.
One of the things I work with my clients on is creating and implementing systems that automate and simplify getting things done. This creates consistency in your message as well as frees up your time for the BIG thoughts and fun times. The biggest obstacles I encounter when introducing this concept to people is their own resistance to letting go of control. Letting go is an act of faith. Have the confidence in your support team,
your technology and yourself to allow others to have a hand in making your life a BIG EASY success. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
- Automate everything you can. An example of this are: synch your social networking sites so that you update your status in one and they are all updated at once. A couple of helpful resources for that are http://ping.fm and http://www.tweetlater.com
- Group like activities: make all your calls together, run all errands on the same day (or better yet, have someone else run them :), etc.
- Maximize your down time. I always carry a file or book with me so that if I end up with a wait at the dentist, I can make good use of the time.
- Always book your next appointment at your current appointment. For example, when you get your hair cut/massage/teeth cleaned/etc. schedule the next appointment before you leave. That saves time and energy remembering to schedule those things and finding time later to fit them in.
- Create checklists and forms for all routine events. Print up a shopping list for the fridge and check off what you need as you run out, have documents ready for each new client or customer so you don't have to stop and assemble them one at a time, etc. Make templates for letters and emails you send all the time. (Save email templates as drafts and update them as needed.)
- Color code your electronic or paper calendar: perhaps have a different color for each family/team member or each type of business activity (blue for clients, pink for marketing events, etc.)
- If you don't read the messages, remove yourself from email lists. It may seem faster to delete the message but in the long run, getting off the list is easier and quicker than deleting messages every day. You can always re-subscribe if you find later that you miss them.
- People often argue with this one but if you tend to save tons of articles/emails to "read later" - don't! Unless you schedule a specific time each week to read them, they aren't that important and just create an energy draining toleration by existing.
- As soon as you can financially (and even before if it feels right) hire out the "stuff" you don't like to do or don't have the expertise for. This includes personal and business stuff like house cleaning, website updates, appointment scheduling, laundry service, etc. If you're a business owner, hire an assistant or VA as soon as possible and learn to delegate. (Learn about VA's at http://www.AssistU.com)
- Schedule time for yourself in your calendar with the same systems and weight you attach to business. For example, schedule a movie night with your spouse and write it in your calendar so any invitation to a networking event, etc. gets an automatic NO because you are already booked.
- Bonus suggestion: Say NO way more than you say YES to requests for your time.
Have fun with this. Be creative. Apply the same techniques to your personal and professional life and see how much room you have to breathe and grow when you are strategic and systematic in how you get things done.