As a leader, if you want a bright and successful future, you need to be asking these 20 questions every day to help you get there.
Questions are one of the most powerful tools we have as leaders. They can help us engage others, gather information, set the stage for coaching and feedback, and allow us the opportunity to listen rather than talk. The power of questions is undeniable.
I am a big fan of collecting questions, and in a workshop this week I talked with people about that very point. One of the participants asked if I would share some of my favorites questions (which I will share with that group), but the exchange got me thinking about a slightly different question. What are the questions leaders should ask themselves?
After all, the questions you ask yourself determine your future (Tweet That). And if, as a leader you want a bright and successful future, what questions will help you get there?
Here are ten of those questions. Ask them (and answer them) every day and I guarantee you will become a more self-aware, self-confident and successful leader.
Ask these questions at the start of your day . . .
Who will I encourage?
What change will I advance or support?
What decision will I make?
What is my most important task?
How will I build trust?
What questions will I ask (of others)?
What Customer will I talk to?
How will I contribute to achieving a goal?
How will I make a difference for my team or organization?
What will I learn?
If you ask those questions at the start of your day, and write down your answers, you will be more intentional, focused and successful during that day. You will have less stress and more purpose – which not only benefits you personally, it also provides a great example for those you lead.
If you want a power-boost, ask these ten questions at the end of each day . . .
Who did I encourage?
What change did I advance or support?
What decision did I make?
Did I complete my most important task?
How did I build trust?
What questions did I ask (of others)?
What Customer did I talk to?
How did I contribute to achieving a goal?
How did I make a difference for my team or organization?
What did I learn?
The morning questions give you focus and intention, the evening versions hold you accountable for those intentions.
While asking either the preview or the review questions will be helpful, asking all of them will make the biggest difference for you and your team. Your total time investment isn’t large, and likely can be done with time you already have available (while you are commuting to work, while you are eating your breakfast, etc.)
The questions you ask can change your life. Ask these daily and watch the transformation begin.
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