Just like us humans, termites are very sociable creatures – they watch each other’s backs! However, whilst some of us may complain about our teenage kids “eating us out of house and home” these little pests literally can achieve this.
As with many other bug infestations, many people finding themselves with a termite infestation assume that they can buy a termite treatment off the shelf and do the job themselves. Well, in some cases where there is trouble in a quite small structure, well away from the main house this may be possible but treating termites is a work that requires information and experience and should really be left to an expert.
To help decide whether to tackle a termite problem yourself ask yourself do you have wide awareness of building structure? If the answer is no, you will undoubtedly have great difficulty in identifying the most likely entry points for the termites. Can you carefully handle the professional tools required? By this, I mean tools such as masonry drills, soil treatment rods and so on. Again if the answer is no then left well alone! Remember, this is not a case of using a little spray bottle at intervals round the house – termite treatment will usually involve the use of several hundreds of gallons of termiticides being injected into foundation walls, under slabs, and into the ground along the foundation.
Once you have made your choice of Termite Control Melbourne Company it is important that they carry out the most effective type of treatment. You will usually have a choice as to the extent of the treatment.
Termite Treatment
Termite colonies will frequently be made up of many hundreds of thousands of tiny pests all foraging for food in a huge number of different directions. For this reason, having a termite treatment carried out only in certain areas may be a false economy because there is a high risk that the termites will merely find an alternative entry point into your property. Also, most termite treatment companies will not guarantee this type of treatment.
As a choice to this, some companies will have a service known as a perimeter action whereby they will use a non-repellent termiticides liquid around the whole of the organization wall of the property and at the same time carry out local treatment of any already infested areas or high-risk areas within the house. It is important if you opt for such a termite treatment to make sure that the company will supply you with a service contract that will guarantee that any future termite infestation will be dealing with at no additional cost.
However, if you do have a termite problem having the whole belongings treated is maybe the best option. So what are the top termite treatments?
Termite treatments are dividing into two different categories, liquids, and baits. Liquid termiticides that are injected into the soil have been available for a very long time. These are used to create a barrier that stops the termites from getting into the building and the termites already inside the property cannot return to the nest and will usually eventually die off too. However, these products do not actually kill the termites they merely repel them. More present chemicals will really kill the termites as they try to pass during the treated soil. For this cause, this kind of chemical treatment tends to have a larger success rate the first time around.
The second option is baiting. Here a solution lethal to termites is placed underground in cylindrical plastic along with a food source such as paper or cardboard to which the poison is applied. The termites then munch through the food and return to the nest to feed the others. The result is that the colony is slowly eradicated. Baiting may be used in isolation in some instances or in conjunction with a liquid treatment depending on the nature of the invasion.
As a thumb rule provided the termite treatment is performed in a careful manner in line with manufacturer’s commands your house should be protected from additional termite attack for a full 5 years. However, this can vary and is dependent on things such as environmental circumstances and the number of termites. Any problem with termites within the first year or so is in most cases nothing to do with the actual chemical treatment but more to do with the termites managing to find a small space that has been missed during treatment.
The use of any chemicals immediately brings to mind the question: Are they harmful to humans or animals. All of the chemicals used in termite treatments are tested in detail. It is hence safe to say that none of the termiticides used to give any major cause for worry for the health of either party or certainly the environment. For anyone with genuine worries about their use baiting would probably be the best option.
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