The Art of Selling

Mar 22


Paul Jones

Paul Jones

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There is a story about a boiler specialist. He was hired to repair a huge steamer boiling system. Singing some song into his beard, he opened his brief case and took out a small hammer. Then he struck with it just once on some red valve. Instantly the whole system started working smoothly and the worker went home. The next day the owner of the steamer got a $ 1000 receipt and he started complaining as the specialist was in the machinery department only for 15 minutes. He demanded to explain the sum. That is what the worker wrote: “Hammer strike $ 0.50. Knowledge where to strike $ 999.50". Know your customer as it is almost everything...


The human psyche is like a TV set. Close your eyes for a moment and think about your favorite dish and imagine yourself eating it; when you open your eyes you realize that this dish is imprinted in your consciousness as an image,The Art of Selling Articles sound and sensation. In fact it is like a kind of a short film.  Thus if you want to control the people’s attitude towards something, say, your product, you task is to learn switching three main channels in the human psyche. The first switch is the physiology (skin colour, the gesture language, respiration), the second one is speech and the last switch is perception channels.

Let‘s see the example of the first switch. When the customer looks at the product he likes (or dislikes) he has different postures and his respiration also differs. For example, if the client is satisfied with his custom term paper research, it is easy to see by his pleased face expression. His gestures are likely to be relaxed unless he claps his hands in delight. Particular elements of this physiology, for example, breathing frequency, postures and gestures will be the same in the analogous situations the next time. Knowing change patterns of postures, gestures and breath, you can guess the customer’s attitude to the goods (in other words you can define his resource). Now about the second and the third switches. We can employ different methods of using speech and perception channels to launch a positive movie in the consumer’s mind (corresponding to “yes” resource) and make it more vivid, accurate, attractive and efficient. It is more sensible to offer not the product itself, but happy future a client is buying with it. For example, “Our writing service is the key to your academic success”. Predicative are elegant and powerful means of verbal influence. They stimulate the perception channels ( Perception channels are filters transmitting the information to the brains.  Every person has the main perception channel he trusts most. This main channel turns on “Yes” resource. It is no use telling about the convenience of the house to a person with the main sight channel, he will not pay attention to these details. A good radio station is not the one broadcasting at the convenient wavelength. A good radio station transmits in the frequency range of our radio set.  Our aim is to discover the frequency range of our clients; in other words, the main perception channel of our clients.

There is a story about a boiler specialist. He was hired to repair a huge steamer boiling system.  Singing some song into his beard, he opened his brief case and took out a small hammer. Then he struck with it just once on some red valve. Instantly the whole system started working smoothly and the worker went home.  The next day the owner of the steamer got a 1000 $ receipt and he started complaining as the specialist was in the machinery department only for 15 minutes.   He demanded to explain the sum. That is what the worker wrote: “Hammer strike $ 0.50. Knowledge where to strike - $ 999.50".  Know your customer as it is almost everything. I wish you successful and impressive sales.

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