The Best Tips for a Mother to Stay Healthy during Pregnancy
Pregnancy modifies a woman’s whole body. The body is going through a million different changes so that it can occupy and grow a healthy child.
The changes are not only physical but a woman goes through a lot of emotional changes due to hormonal ups and downs. During this time,
you are already under a lot of stress. That is increased when everybody around you starts to give advice about what to do and not to do throughout the process. It is important to stay healthy during the pregnancy but knowing exactly what helps and what isn’t is important. There are already enough rules one has to follow right now, there is no use following extra ones that don’t help.
There are a few tips one can follow during pregnancy to stay healthy and have a healthy baby.
- Taking vitamins is very important for the baby’s development. Mothers are advised to take prenatal vitamins that are high in folic acid, calcium, iodine, and iron. These vitamins should be taken from the very beginning and generally, your doctor prescribes them to you. They are also available over the counter and are very important for your baby. A lot of times, prenatal vitamins might make you nauseous. To combat that, take a small healthy snack after the vitamin. Chewing gum or sucking small candy can help too.
- Some medications cannot be taken during pregnancy. Most non-steroidal inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen cannot be consumed during pregnancy. Always consult with your doctor before consuming a medicine, even the over-the-counter ones.
- Avoiding infectious diseases becomes very important during pregnancy as small diseases like flu can cause harm to the baby and the mother both. It is important to get a flu shot to prevent catching influenza. Be careful of viral diseases like shingles and chickenpox since your body is very vulnerable. Make sure that you maintain constant cleanliness in your surroundings.
- During pregnancy, your skin becomes more susceptible to the UV rays of the sun so always apply a good sunscreen whenever going out all over the exposed surfaces of the body.
A lot of restriction is imposed on the diet of the mother during pregnancy but it is for good reason. The body of a mother is more susceptible to illnesses as it becomes a little vulnerable due to the pregnancy process. There are a few things that the body can combat generally which it cannot during pregnancy. This is the primary reason why some foods are restricted. Along with this, the health of the baby is also considered.
- It is very important for an expectant mother to have a high amount of protein and healthy fats in her diet. Consuming fishes that are high in fat with low mercury content is very important for mothers. Doctors advise mothers to eat 8-10 ounces of such fish a day. Such fishes include Light Tuna, Salmon, Shrimp, Tilapia, etc. Make sure that the fishes are properly cooked.
- Having healthy green vegetables is also very important. Mothers should have salads with a variety of different vegetables for iron.
- Fruits that are high in vitamin content should be consumed. They can be consumed as snacks whenever you’re having a craving for something sweet or sour.
- Instead of having starchy foods like cookies or whitebread, swap them with wholegrain crackers and bread. Wholegrain keeps the mother healthy.
- Always remember that in the second trimester, a mother needs to consume an extra 300 calories and in the third trimester, they have to consume an extra 450 calories per day. But the food consumed to fulfill this void of hunger should be healthy instead of food items full of sugar.
- Drink lots of water and avoid sugary sodas.
- Caffeine is one of the biggest restrictions imposed upon pregnant people. Yet, it is not as serious as people make it seem. Expecting mothers can have up to 200 ounces of coffee per day. You can drink tea or coffee after this limit but you have to choose decaf. It is best if unsweetened options are chosen.
- Rare or raw fishes, shellfish, poultry, and meats like sushi, eggs, carpaccio, and oysters should be avoided during pregnancy.
- All kinds of unpasteurized milk and all dairy products should not be consumed since they might contain E. Coli. Hard cheeses like cheddar are safe to consume along with pasteurized dairy products.
- Deli meats and packed foods from grocery stores like salads should be avoided. They might contain bacterias that the body can fight normally but they might cause damage during pregnancy.
- Drinking or consuming any drugs is strictly forbidden during pregnancy as it causes severe harm to the babies.
Exercising with the basic fitness accessories like a yoga mat and generally staying active is very important for any pregnant woman to reduce stress, have a better mood, sleep better, and maintain weight gain. But high energy exercises are unsafe for a pregnant woman. Generally, walking, yoga, and pilates, or swimming are done by expecting mothers to stay healthy. But everyone's pregnancy is different. So you should ask your doctor before joining any pregnancy exercise program. Make sure you exercise for 15 to 20 minutes every day in the shade.
Breathing exercises are also important for when you'll go into labor. Most women take classes that help them teach about these exercises and how to properly do them during a stressful situation.
Kegel exercises which strengthen the pelvic muscles are also important and should be practiced during pregnancy. The pelvic muscles weaken during the growing uterus which is harmful as these muscles support the bladder, urethra, rectum, etc. Kegel exercises also make the delivery process easier and also prevent urinary incontinence. They also help the pelvic floor muscles get back into shape after the delivery.
Some household chores are dangerous during pregnancy even though staying active is generally advised. Standing for long durations, heavy lifting, climbing on ladders or step stools, using harsh chemicals, etc.
These few tips will help you stay healthy throughout your pregnancy. Always remember to do your own research and do not listen to everybody who’s coming to give you advice. You should never feel guilty if you indulge yourself sometimes. Have fun because you will be very busy for a while after the baby is born. This is one of the most beautiful experiences in the world so make sure you enjoy every minute of it. There is no reason to be super stressed and anxious. If thousands of women have been successfully doing it for centuries, nothing is stopping you.