The Different Six Sigma Levels And Their Functions
Six Sigma methods when utilized by professionals at every belt level will always work to increase the quality of service as well as the productivity improvements for the organization that hired them. Understanding the methods that will work well with the large scale projects at the Black belt level or if the Six Sigma project is smaller it should require no level above a Green belt is what these professionals do best.
Six Sigma methods when utilized by professionals at every belt level will always work to increase the quality of service as well as the productivity improvements for the organization that hired them. Understanding the methods that will work well with the large scale projects at the Black belt level or if the Six Sigma project is smaller it should require no level above a Green belt is what these professionals do best.
These belt levels are comparable to martial arts belts because each belt signifies a level of achievement and knowledge in that field. At the top of the levels is a Master Black belt,
which is not really a level, but more of a consultant and trainer of the Black belts. Most all of the larger Six Sigma projects with the mega corporations and companies are run by the Black belt level. These Black belts must be trained by very knowledgeable and well qualified personnel to teach all aspects and functions of the methods to keep the projects on schedule and be able to deal with any unforeseen bumps in the road to project success. If they do experience bumps, Black and Green belts can consult the Master Black belts to get the projects back on track in a timely manner.
Black belts occupy the top level and are in charge of the large projects which will be using Six Sigma methods to organize and get specifics on quality control within a corporation. For smaller project, a Green belt can take the reigns if they are trusted enough, and to ensure that the project will be successful, both Black and Master Black belts are on standby to be consultants. Yellow belts occupy the next level down and work as supporting staff for the upper level belts. They function in the collecting and analyzing data, as well as suggesting changes to improve the quality of different levels.
At the bottom of the tier is the White belts. They have a very important function that taps into the local resources and acts pretty much as a go between for the Champions and the Upper level belts. Although they really have no say so in the project in progress they simply follow the directives of the Black or Green belt leaders who are in charge.
The best way for organizations to really get the best results is for knowledgeable professionals to collect, analyze, measure and create success results. Their suggestions do improve as well as monitor the plans and projects when they are put into action. The best successes happen when these suggestions are implemented correctly and there is complete change cooperation from everyone. These factors will make a company's future have a more successful quality control. When this area is successful changed, the doors will open for the business to thrive as never before. There will also be necessary continual adjustments, but the resolutions are just an analysis and suggestion away. When all the data is analyzed, a clear picture of the problem areas will emerge so no resources will be wasted in the wrong areas.