The present and future of Las Vegas foreclosures
Affirmative steps will help get out of the prevailing condition and more employment opportunities will lead to stability in the economy and the real estate market in turn leading to less Las Vegas Foreclosures.
Las Vegas foreclosures,

is exhibiting few satisfactory signs in the last quarter. Although they were not very substantial but a gleam of positivity has certainly set in. Nevertheless still the fear of added foreclosures seems to loom over Las Vegas.
In November 2009 Las Vegas witnesses foreclosures of about 3500 to 3900 homes, which are less than last few months however of less implication as the discrepancy, was merely about one percent. The prices of the houses saw steep inclination, going down as low as 27% in comparison to last year prices at the same time and of the same area.
Further predictions by the analyst depict that year 2010 will see nearly the same amount of Las Vegas foreclosures. And the same circumstances would continue over the next two to three years. This situation is attributed to the economic change and growing unemployment in the country and Las Vegas particularly. Even when the economy took the slump, Las Vegas experienced one of the biggest numbers of foreclosures.
However, it shows some signs of recovery, which should be a breather for some, but incongruously it isn’t. As initially it was the middle class that was suffering from major defaults and now it is the high end society with colossal loans that have started defaulting on their mortgages. According to a recent survey there were close to five to eight hundred home owners who have defaulted on their mortgages. Another survey mentioned that in the last one year there were 91000 jobs that were lost across the nation. And Las Vegas is one of the biggest employers of human resource. Hence Las Vegas foreclosures were and are among the highest compared to the other states.
Las Vegas foreclosure is also a result of high rental prices. The average rent that one would pay in Las Vegas is about $1000 to $1300. As of today, taking into consideration the lowering prices, it’s the same amount one would pay as EMI to the banks or financial institution. Consequently around 40% of the people in the nation say they would be contemplating on buying a foreclosed property. Else there are many investors domestic as well as international, who are willing to buy properties because of the low prices.
Although the above statements through a negative impact on us. As mentioned earlier Las Vegas foreclosures are improving. The initiative, taken by the government for mediation of mortgages and loans has been welcoming. The banks are also helping the customers to settle for short sales instead of putting up the property for foreclosure. Though a slow and daunting process, it’s a win win situation for both the banks and the customer.