The Three Golden Rules Of Creating A Compelling Presentation

Aug 19


Carl Formby

Carl Formby

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Why it is important to learn the skill of making presentations


Most people are more concerned with just surviving the experience than learning the essentials of creating a compelling presentation. For most of us,The Three Golden Rules Of Creating A Compelling Presentation Articles the goal is to get through the time and hopefully not end up looking like a fool. You know the normal fears like forgetting to wear pants and having a huge piece of lettuce that has taken up residence between your two front teeth. Wow, that makes you want to run right out and give a presentation doesn't it? Now that we have broken the ice, the question still remains of what is essential in a compelling presentation. There are three main elements you need to pay attention to absolutely amaze your audience.

The first element to turn your attention to is the subject and audience. You may be wondering why you need to pay attention to the subject when clearly you know enough to be asked to speak. It's more about the audience and what they know about the subject. One of the fastest ways to lose rapport with your audience is to speak above or below their heads. As you work on the spoken part of your presentation, be thinking about who is going to hear you and what points will be most important to them.

With the written portion of your presentation taken care of, it's time to turn your attention to the next phase of essential compelling presentation, your visual aids. Absolutely everyone has been forced to sit through a boring slide presentation at one time or another. This usually occurs at some stage in the schooling years. Unless you want to your audience to revert back to high school and start shooting spit balls, you have to come up with something better than that.

Visual aids are great for making your main points, just be sure to not overuse the screen. The result is your audience behaving as if they are at the movies and will resent you breaking in with stuff like, I don't know, your presentation. Use this technology for displaying pictures of what you are talking about and possibly graphs or charts that help support your main points. The use of visual aids in presentations is covered further at

The third element of a compelling presentation is you. It is important to pay attention to how you use your voice. Speak clearly and with inflection in your tone, otherwise your audience is going to get bored quickly. Sound and be enthusiastic about your topic. This excitement will be contagious and if you're excited your audience will be too.

The elements of creating a compelling presentation rely on using your common sense and giving your audience the courtesy of preparation. Keep those things in mind and you are well on your way to a great presentation.