Tips to Improve 2009 for Spiritual-Minded Entrepreneurs
Spirituality-based entrepreneurs are sometimes uneasy with how business and promoting are usually done. What kind of outcome does this create?
Let’s face it . . . we who are spirituality-based know we aren’t mainstream in our approach to life. We probably (okay,
we do) use Law of Attraction to the degree we understand it. What if our efforts still don’t create the results we want? What’s up with that?
Even if you don’t know anything about Law of Attraction or want to, it will benefit you to consider the following:
- Ignore what the media and others say about the economy. Refuse to shop at that store. When your services or products offer real value that solves or provides something to people THEY feel they need, and you offer them a few options to pay for it (depending on the price or fee), you never have to sell or convince them to go for it. You just need to let them know how to find you.
- When you’re really clear about what you want to offer, how you want to offer it, and to whom, you create a vibrational match to people who are looking for what you provide and others who may want to help you get the word out.
- We tend to think we have to do business with everyone who approaches us or those we approach about our services or products. Why? Because we’re trying to build our business and pay for our living expenses or, hopefully, do even better than that. Think Vibrational Match. If your vibration is, “I need your money,” you’ll either energetically push people away or attract time-wasters. How do you shift this?
- Become very clear about what you offer and why. The moment you connect to your Why and your energy to create genuine value for others and feel fulfillment and, yes, even enjoyment from doing this, the financial aspect shifts in the direction you intend. If you believe you can really make a difference and if you take time to find out if what you offer will truly assist someone, doing your business revs up your ability to attract the right people. Who are the right people?
- Your ideal clients and/or customers. Did you know you have the right, maybe even the obligation, to know who these people are so you can reach them or they can find you? Who doesn’t have a better experience serving or being served by a vibrational match? Have you ever written, for your own purposes, what the qualities of your ideal client are? Try this; you may surprise yourself. And, don’t try to be noble, be honest.
- Your promotional materials, including your Web site, should use words that you feel convey exactly what you wish to and in a way that addresses what your ideal clients are looking for. What works for the “big guys” may not work for you, because their words don’t come from YOUR head and heart alignment so don’t create a vibrational match. Whether you believe in Law of Attraction or not, it’s all about the vibrational match. It just happens that this is how LOA works.
- Do you have a plan? Even if it changes often, put something down and commit to taking action. As the saying goes, “Nothing changes until something moves.” You have to move, that is, take action. Make sure your actions have the potential to create outcomes and aren’t just busywork. Never confuse activity with productivity. And, do take time to relax and recharge.
You’re at the beginning of a new year. You have a fresh start. If you address the items above, especially if you never have, you’ll move yourself that much closer that much quicker to your desired experience and outcome.