Various Ways To Commemorate International Women's Day
If you're looking for various ways to celebrate this Women's Day, then find here some ways through which you can commemorate International Women's Day.
As per the data consolidated by Pew Research,
the year 2018 was marked the first year where the proportion of women Fortune 500 CEOs indeed reduced. During 2010-17, this figure firmly increased from 3 to 6.4 percent; still, the year 2018 witnessed a small dip with 4.8 percent. Similar research discovered that 60% of those who were surveyed believed that this was an outcome of women having to put more effort into establishing themselves professionally compared to men.So how can we assist in curbing these statistics, give opportunities to increase comprehensive leadership, and give attention to star female talent? International Women's Day provides the ideal stage to secure a start.Commemorated every year on the 8th of March, the campaign's roots can be followed back to 1909 in the USA after a female workers' revolution in New York. The UN marked its inaugural formal International Women's Day in 1975. Now a global campaign, organizations, and people partake in several activities to ask for a more gender-equitable world and honor female accomplishment. And this would be the best gift for womens day.Here are some ways through which you can bring this campaign to your organization.
- Globalize the Message - Adjusting around a primary message of assistance can be challenging at organizations with multiple offices internationally, nationally, and locally. But by giving your staff the chance to engage in a broader dialogue on women's problems, you take these discussions straight to them. Arrange localized activities and meetups that various offices can partake in at a regional level or a weekly web seminar series in March. Build a continuous mentorship program to enable comprehensive leadership further. Also, promote management to host periodic town-hall conferences where staff members can sustain a dialogue with the administration on these problems even after International Women's Day.
- Professional Development - Along with webinars and speakers, take International Women's Day as a chance to blend professional development exercises around inclusive leadership. These could be automated - may be an online program that the staff performs - or an in-person seminar that your employees can attend to learn further. These training sessions are an additional chance for creating content. Work with your marketing teams and HR to produce downloadable toolkits on comprehensive leadership that can be made accessible to employees, or even openly available on the website. By giving these means, you assist in demonstrating your organization's dedication to gender parity while also giving employees tangible sources for their professional and personal development.
- Volunteer - Several organizations have begun incorporating volunteering as a means to support company culture. International Women's Day is an occasion to assist your teams in connecting outside the office atmosphere while helping your society. For instance, at HubSpot, the organization's engineering team hosted a band of young women for an event called Hour of Code on International Women's Day. This event allowed employees to give back to society while also commemorating the progress of their organization's women engineers. This assisted the organization to illustrate its dedication towards greater gender parity in tech and engineering. Indeed, a wonderful women's day gift.
- Team Building - Alike volunteering, International Women's Day, could be an excellent opportunity to help strengthen team coherence with a team-building exercise, especially if it correlates to International Women's Day or gender parity itself. For instance, AXA XL's Women of the World (WoW) Bermuda branch employees finished a considerable jigsaw puzzle along with the 2018 IWD theme, with #PressforProgress, written on it. This not only improved team cooperation, but the organization stated it also signified that everybody could play a role in striving for gender parity. The established International Women's Day organization also organizes a "best practices" contest, where companies can register themselves to win depending on their actions. This could take team-building to the next level by encouraging the staff of your organization on this day.
These were some of the ways which will help you bring gender equality in your organization while celebrating along with womens day cake and women's day flowers online.