Meter sticks have decimeter, centimeter and millimeter markings, so measurements with them are accurate to the nearest millimeter.
A caliper (British spelling also calliper) is a device used to measure the distance between two symmetrically opposing sides. A caliper can be as simple as a compass with inward or outward-facing points.
Advantages of Vernier Calliper:
Vernier calipers are the simplest of vernier instruments and they are veryimportant in toolroom, die-making , model-making , and similar applications. They provide long measurement ranges (6 to 80in.) and fare economical. One pair of verniier calipers can substitute for many outside and inside micrometers, but they cannot replace them.
Vernier calipers are slide calipers with a vernier scale attaché. Because the vernier increases its discrimination to 0.02 mm (1 mil,0.001 in.) , we need a fine adjustment and a means for a zero setting . For convenience, some instruments are graduated on one side for inside measurement and on the other side for outside measurement. The jaws of most vernier calipers are reduced to thin nibs for small inside measurement.
Vernier calipers use two parallel scales, a main and a vernier. The scales are in inches or metric. Divisions on the vernier scale are one more than the main scale, gaining one more digit in accuracy.
Meter sticks have decimeter, centimeter and millimeter markings, so measurements with them are accurate to the nearest millimeter. A standard vernier caliper can make measurements down to 1/20 millimeter. A special calibrated scale on the caliper, called the Vernier scale, has markings that let you accurately determine tenths of a millimeter or hundredths of an inch. Professional calipers with a mechanical dial or electronic display can make measurements with accuracies of a hundredth of a millimeter or one thousandth of an inch.
You use the calipers by closing the outside jaws on an object. When you can move the jaws no further, you can make an accurate measurement. With a meter stick, as with a ruler, you have to
Judge the ends of the object with your eyes. This is not difficult for parts with rectangular features and right angles, but you can more accurately measure round, tapered or irregular items with the caliper.
vernier caliper is that it has scales of measurement built into the tool. A fixed scale and a sliding scale are utilized to determine measurements to within .001 inches. Also, unlike most calipers, Vernier calipers can be used in a number of ways. One set of measurement jaws can be used to determine outer measurements while another set of jaws can be used for interior measurements. Additionally, a sliding bar at the rear of the tool can be used to determine depth measurements.
Vernier calipers use two parallel scales, a main and a vernier. The scales are in inches or metric. Divisions on the vernier scale are one more than the main scale, gaining one more digit in accuracy.
The main scale is fixed and the vernier one moves. Using both the main scale and the vernier provides measurements either in inches and tenths of an inch or millimeters and tenths of a millimeter.
Measuring tolerances in scientific settings often require more precision than simple rulers can give. Manufacturing specifications for small parts may be smaller than a millimeter. For even smaller measurements, Vernier micrometers can measure ten-thousandths of an inch.
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