Find out which are the best air compressor systems available and how to choose one.
For anyone who wants to purchase air compressors, there are a number of products out there. In case you want really good and reliable quality products for very affordable prices, you should look for Westward air compressor products. These products are designed to deliver high performance for prolonged periods of time. They are designed to be easy to use and at the same time these machines are also very powerful. If you want to make a long term investment., Westward products are what you should be looking at.
The people who are looking at entry level products from this company should company should consider Westward 3JR70. This is an oil-less air compressor so you need not worry about oiling the motor etc. This is a very compact sized machine. It is 10 inches high, 11 inches wide and 27 inches long. These compact dimensions make is an easily towable device.The machine is equipped with a 0.75 HP running motor. It can generate a maximum pressure of 135 PSI. The machine is fitted with a 3 gallon tank.
For the people who want an air compressor in the pancake shape, there is Westward 4YD76 air compressor.This is another low maintenance oil-less air compressor. It is a equipped with a motor that has a capacity of 0.75 HP. At 125 PSI, this machine can have Free Air Flow. It can contain maximum pressure of 135 PSI. Being a pancake machine it is very compact. The dimensions of this machine are 21.7 inches length, 18.3 inches height and 18.3 inches of width. The machine has a 4 gallon tank and it is powered by 11 Amp current.
For the people who want a more powerful model, there is Westward 4B220 portable air compressor. This machine uses a powerful Briggs engine. Its powered by a powerful 5.5 HP motor. The machine uses a 2 cylinder pump made of cast iron. It has a horizontally placed tank which has a rated capacity of 20 gallons. It uses a four cycle aluminum block engine. The machine has 21 oz engine oil capacity and 12 oz of compressor pump oil. The machine uses a time tested reliable type H tank which makes it one of the longest performing and most reliable machines that you can buy.
Westward goes extra miles to make sure that its products are specially designed to be simple and easy to use. The company is involved in sustained research and development. Every Westward air compressor uses very reliable parts including gauges, switches and piston etc. The result of this is that the company has made some of the most technologically advanced products available at prices you have always dreamed of. Source: Aircompressorinc dot com
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