Just as we need and benefit immensely from a simple, yet ladies don't go anywhere without it, tool known as a mirror, we need reminders and reflectors to keep us on the straight and narrow, less we become distracted and derailed from our perceived success path.
You wonder? "What's the fastest way to my success?"
Answer: History and research have revealed that, except for a choice few who were born into money, the fastest way to success is by using every ounce of our abilities, skills, and knowledge to the fullest. In other words, maximizing our potential, as I like to put it.
Just as we need and benefit immensely from a simple, yet ladies don't go anywhere without it, tool known as a mirror, we need reminders and reflectors to keep us on the straight and narrow, less we become distracted and derailed from our perceived success path.
There are countless books that describe success principles to keep us on our success path. Here are a few principles that I have summarized for you:
Remember: When you maximize your potential, everyone wins. When you don't, we all lose.
Copyright © Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW, The Master Blog Builder
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Living in the Age of the Internet Gangster, Part Three of Three: Sleeping with the Phishes . . .
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