Wholesale Paper Bags: Making a Choice
Manufacturers of wholesale paper bags couldn't be happier with the growing sentiment against plastic. If you're in charge of a company that is looking to make the switch, here are some of the considerations you'll need to factor in when determining where you should buy your bagging supplies.
While it's difficult to find a grocery store in America that doesn't opt for plastic as the default carrying method for their products,

environmental pressure is forcing many retail outlets to make the switch back to a simpler time. Manufacturers of wholesale paper bags couldn't be happier with this trend, and many customers feel the same way. If you're in charge of a company that is looking to make the switch, here are some of the considerations you'll need to factor in when determining where you should buy your bagging supplies. Two Primary Choices While there are a number of factors that separate one set of wholesale paper bags from another, the main concerns are going to be size related in some way. If you're in charge of a business where customers are purchasing heavy products, you'll want a sturdy container for them to walk out with. Opting for a multi-wall thickness may be your best option. However, considering that the bulk of retail does not involve such heavy purchases, single-wall options are much more common and will probably be your best bet. Keep in mind that a single wall option doesn't need to mean "flimsy" by any means. You should still look for options that are thick and sturdy. Size While many retail establishments will simply stick to a one-size fits all policy when it comes to the wholesale paper bags they choose, you may want to think about providing your customers and clerks with a choice. One of the biggest benefits of switching from plastic to paper is the ability to cut down on waste and litter. If you have to use the same large container for a single Coke as you do for fifteen cans of ravioli, you may not be cutting down on as much waste as you would like. Plus, customers appreciate it when they have as little to carry as possible. Choose an assortment of sizes. Design Branding is one of the most important concepts behind building a business. While you're not going to go under because you failed to choose wholesale paper bags that didn't reflect your brand, it is one more step in the advertising puzzle. Think of Macy's unmistakable "Large Brown Bag" and its smaller cousins. These remind people of Macy's every time they are seen on the street. Of course, you don't need a marketing gimmick. Simple putting your logo on the front or even choosing a fun color could be enough to subtly turn customer favorability in your favor.