In the present time, the field of Sales and Marketing is full of ups and downs, where a candidate has to meet regular challenges. In order to establis...
In the present time,

the field of Sales and Marketing is full of ups and downs, where a candidate has to meet regular challenges. In order to establish yourself in this field, you need to prove yourself, an efficient contender to a post for which you are being interviewed.
1. How can you define the term Sales Management?
Well, Sales Management can be best defined as the attainment of the sales goals, set by a firm in an efficient manner before the scheduled deadline. It can be achieved through synchronized planning, training, proper staffing and by effectively directing the organizational reserves. This article deals with all those questions which you may face.
2. How did your past experiences help you in establishing a career in the field of sales and marketing?
Some real-world experiences including the college internship activities, traveling abroad, and a few commercial opportunities have made me determine my business-oriented career. On my training days, while I was employed in a private firm, in Australia, I prepared a marketing strategy comprising of twenty pages advocating additional effective ways, which the company could execute in order to promote its services.
I had an international traveling experience twice, where I was introduced to many other trading opportunities.It was then, when I started seeing myself as a smart marketing professional.
3. How will you achieve your goals? Have you already taken an initiative regarding accomplishing your goal?
I've done some study on the experiences of some other folks in the field of marketing to see as that how they accomplished their objectives. I plan on pursuing my studies in the field of commerce where I will get a MBA degree for myself. It will provide me with more extensive knowledge regarding operating a business and the tips and tricks of economical analysis.
4. How will you deal with a fast-paced situation?
Well sir, I will try to express myself in an influential manner. I will work smartly in order to highlight my potential. I will try to demonstrate myself as an efficient motivator having leadership qualities along with exceptional communication skills. I will set an example before others.
5. Tell me how you will manage to handle the stress and pressure of completing a target, effectively before the expiry of your deadline?
I will prepare myself mentally and put in more efforts in order to handle my venture clearly, drastically and in an enthusiastic manner. I will leave no stone unturned, finishing my assignments in a jovial frame of mind. I am not going to let my work seem hectic for me at any point of time.
I am sure that by now, you must be familiar with the kind of questions put forward by the interviewers. You need to prepare yourself accordingly. So, good luck and perform well!