In a previous article, “Leveraging the Power of the First Impression Helps You Win the Interview” we discussed just how critical (not important, critical) the first impression is to the interviewing process. One of the suggestions was to understand the most important points known as the four “A’s.” These four “A’s” can dramatically impact the interview before the interview even starts. That is powerful.
Each of these must be integrated into your interviewing style and come off as if they come naturally to you.
On the surface, as you read these, they seem so obvious. Most are thinking, "I already know this stuff." This may be true, but I think the purpose of the four “A’s” is to highlight in a very simple way some of the key issues many candidates take for granted. As a result they don’t work on mastering them.
There are a lot of dynamics happening at the same time during the hiring process. The more you can master, the better your chances of getting the green light.
Stop Your Job Search Until 2010 – Dumb Move
I get this all the time from candidates I’m working with in our job search coaching program. It usually starts with, “The holidays are here and nobody is hiring during this period.” or “Why look now? I will wait until the new year. It is time for a break.”I’m Getting Interviews But No Offers. WHY?
This was a question a potential job search coaching candidate asked me. Although frustrating, at the same time it is a very good problem to have. At least she was getting interviewsJob Search Stalled? Do What the Pros Do.
If your search isn't delivering the results you want, taking too long, or stalled here are a few tips the pro's do to get it back on track.