I think the best way to shoot yourself in the foot while in a job search is not having a structured, formal, repeatable job search methodology or process. In the case of a job search HOPE and LUCK are not a process. A methodology has a series of steps, that when followed, increase the probability of a desired outcome. This also implies that when a step is skipped the probability of the desired outcome is less.
There is only one thing worse than skipping a step in a methodology, and that is not having one at all. Unfortunately, we find that most candidates don't have a real methodology. Most tend to have a little of this and a little of that and candidates are easily distracted. The results tend to be no methodology.
Our job search workbook, "This Is NOT The Position I Accepted" is a 5 step process for making you a sales person during your job search. After all, when you are in a job search you are in sales. There are 5 basic steps in the sales process that are a good outline for a job search.
These five steps are the basic steps in an search process. Just like the sales process, there is a lot more that goes into each step. Top salespeople spend an enormous time training, preparing and practicing each step. Top candidates do the same.
I encourage your comments and feedback.Brad Remillard
Stop Your Job Search Until 2010 – Dumb Move
I get this all the time from candidates I’m working with in our job search coaching program. It usually starts with, “The holidays are here and nobody is hiring during this period.” or “Why look now? I will wait until the new year. It is time for a break.”I’m Getting Interviews But No Offers. WHY?
This was a question a potential job search coaching candidate asked me. Although frustrating, at the same time it is a very good problem to have. At least she was getting interviewsJob Search Stalled? Do What the Pros Do.
If your search isn't delivering the results you want, taking too long, or stalled here are a few tips the pro's do to get it back on track.