It's Counter Intuitive
Often times people take steps that are counter-intuitive to what their end result is. Sometimes this can yield better results than taking every opening available. It is challenging, but once you figure out how to do it this process will help your job search.
I still remain a big fan of the television show “Seinfeld”,

even after it has been off the air in terms of original shows now for fifteen years. Often my wife will hear me begin a sentence stating, “This reminds me of a Seinfeld …” when relating it to a present life experience. One episode I recently viewed on a DVD copy that I have of the show is one where Jerry’s friend George bemoans that every decision in his life has been wrong. Jerry encourages him that if every thought and decision he has is wrong then doing the opposite must be the right choice. Throughout the show George makes for him what are far out of character choices in every situation he encounters. Miraculously, he begins to receive things that he has never achieved before.
While the television show admittedly is an exaggeration, in the world of job search, there is actually some truth to it. Often the actions that job searchers should be taking are actually counter intuitive to what they believe is the right thing to do. For example, many individuals believe it is best to be open to all job possibilities, and present themselves as willing to do anything. The reality is those job searchers who can be more specific in presenting what they are looking to do, the skills that they offer, and how they are a perfect fit for a specific job, have far more success. Others send out many resumes to every opening imaginable, and then are surprised when they receive little to no response. While applying for openings through sending out resumes is a part of the search process, so is looking to meet people individually in networking sessions, engaging them and building a relationship so they get to know you and what you offer and then supplementing those steps with your resume’ to be reviewed.
Taking the approach opposite to common expectations is not always the easy choice. Usually that is because the counter intuitive approach often takes time and effort. It is built on process. Our world is one where we are conditioned for quick fixes and answers. When those answers don’t come right away, there is panic. A set of suggestions that are geared to getting to know other people, being specific as to what type of position you are seeking to fill, targeting specific companies that have those type of positions and which do the type of work you are looking to do appears to narrow one’s focus. And, while one must guard against narrowing their focus too fine, to not narrow it at all gives your listener the impression that you don’t know what you want to do. In other cases, they just have a hard time understanding what it is you offer and turn out to your message.
If you have not been connecting and progressing in your job search, (and my definition of not connecting is not getting interviews or people to talk to you at all, it is not that you currently don’t have a job) or if there are other areas in your life where there appears to be a disconnect, take a step back and examine your approach. Are you like Jerry’s friend George who convinced himself that every idea he came up with was wrong, so he was defeated before he even started? Do others understand your message clearly? (If you are not sure, ask them to repeat back to you what they have heard, and if it is not the message you want to be delivering, know you have some work in getting it conveyed). Above all look to harness your fear. It will feel unusual to take steps that are different than what intuition, friends, family or media tell you are the right things to do. The choice is ultimately yours to make. If however, actions which are meant to get you the quick response you desire are not working, then taking the deliberate and focused approach is something I recommend you give consideration.