Online Learning Gaining in Popularity – Especially with Working Adults

Mar 9


Shay Rosen

Shay Rosen

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Enrollment is rising for online college degree programs, and working adults with some prior college experience are the demographic responsible for much of the growth, according to a recent report by the National Center for Education Statistics. Investing in an online education is far from inexpensive, but many available distance learning programs are substantially less costly than comparative campus based offerings.

This,Online Learning Gaining in Popularity – Especially with Working Adults Articles in combination with the flexibility inherent in online learning, has made it a popular choice among those who work full time. Jared Reed, a married father of two working on an online master’s of business administration while employed full time as an IT consultant, sees online degree programs as the logical evolution of academia. “For me, it’s impossible to be away from home for ten hours a day while working and then be available for campus classes at night. Earning my degree online allows me to spend time with my family in the early evenings and take care of assignments and coursework once my kids are in bed. None of the colleges in close proximity to me offer the classes I need with a schedule that fits my life. When you can’t make sacrifices to attend college because it’s simply not possible, you look for alternatives.

”While not all online colleges and universities offer lower tuition rates than campus based counterparts, many are able to reduce student expenses by eliminating superfluous costs, such as athletic fees charged to all students at almost all colleges regardless of whether they participate in athletics or not. The savings may seem relatively small on a per credit basis, but added up over the course of a four year degree program, it can make a reall difference. This is especially true for those who are borrowing to get an education.

Ultimately, though, it’s the end that justifies the means, which is where online degree programs have gained the most ground. Compared to just a few years ago, it is much more widely accepted that e-learning can provide the same quality of education available at campus based educational institutions. Continues Reed, “Knowing that my education will afford me the same opportunities I would have if I had been able to attend a traditional college is important to me. No matter where you go to school, you want to know that the time and effort you put in will help you reach your goals when you graduate.”

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