Reclaiming Energy

Aug 13


Victoria Cook

Victoria Cook

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Like fuel in a car, energy is the catalyst needed to keep us in the driver’s seat of our life. Everything we do in life either give us energy or drains our energy. How can we ensure we have the energy needed to get done the things most important to us? Here are 5 quick tips.


1.  Identify what’s draining you.  Is it nagging items on your to-do list,Reclaiming Energy Articles a family crisis, poor health, the clutter around you, or other tolerations with which you’ve been putting up?  These things not only take up our physical time, they also take up mental mind space that can be used for more productive activities. 

Write all these drainers down on a list.  The mere act of doing this will help you begin to reclaim your energy and increase awareness of the energy drainers in your life.  Once identified, begin taking actions to correct or mitigate the situation(s).

2.  Discover what really nourishes you.  What are the 2 or 3 things you need in the various areas of your life to really be at your best?  If you’re having trouble coming up with ideas, think about what’s missing when you’re not at your peak.  Once you’ve identified what you REALLY need each day, put plans in place to ensure they are in your life for peak energy efficiency!

3.  Don’t major on the minors.  Most things in life are not as major as we often make them out to be.  When you feel your energy slipping and your temper about to blow, stop and ask yourself, “In 5 years will this really matter?”  If the answer is no, then don’t lose sleep, or energy, over it.

4.  Reconnect with your life’s purpose and goals.  Spending some time reviewing why it is you value what you set about doing can help fuel lost energy for your goals. Then identify one or two quick things you can do to move towards your goal and get them done.  This will help you begin building momentum and spur your desire to continue taking steps towards your goal.

5.  Care for the physical you.  Sticking with the car analogy of the beginning of this article, you must keep up your “regular maintenance” to ensure efficient use of your  body and energy.  Schedule time for those long over due Dr. appointments and your “2,000 mile check-ups”.  When eating, make healthier choices 80% of the time so you have a little room for life’s luxuries, and keep your body moving.  Whether you enjoy sporting activities, aerobics, or just strolling through the park with a friend, move your body 15 – 20 minutes per day. These simple principles, along with getting regular rest, will keep the physical you in peak performance.

Caring for yourself is NOT a luxury, but truly a NECESSITY in order to be running on all 6 cylinders with ample energy to be in the driver’s seat of your life and care for those around you.  It’s about as “selfish” as the airlines telling you to put on your own oxygen mask before helping those with whom you are traveling.  You can help them get their masks on if you’re not breathing.  The same is true of life, if you don’t keep your energy reserves up, you won’t have any to give.  See you in the express lanes!

© 2009 Victoria Cook. All Rights Reserved.
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