TCS Careers freshers 2011
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A career in TCS is what every aspiring youth would love to have. For a fresher,

being in a company like TCS is indeed a dream.
For the company holds lots of opportunities to make you learn and recreate. You can revolutionize the technical arena by being a part of this organization.
It is the best information technology consulting hub and at the same time it also claims to be a standard business process outsourcing company. Thus, you always have to fight hard to seek employment in this internationally acclaimed company. To seek job here you have to stay informed.
This is necessary.
Just go through the employments sections of the daily newspapers or keep an eye on the job portals and whenever you find a vacancy just apply to be in the queue to prove your metal. The company comes forth with job advertisements following which you indeed try to make a place for yourself. They always in look for fresher and every year they make sure to present a standard platform to all those talented youths who deserve to be a part of this maestro organization. The company is very specific about the aptitude they expect from a youth. They would not allow any candidate to sit for the exam having less than sixty percent marks both in ninth and tenth standards as well as in graduation and post graduation exams. If in any case you have a gap of more than 2 years between any two exams you would not be allowed to sit in the test.
First, you have to post your resume and after scrutinizing it well if the authorities are pleased they would call you for an interview to have a test of your presence of mind and also to judge what extent of technical aptitude you posses.
The Human Resource Managers make it a point to interrogate you to the extent till they are fully satisfied that you have that ability to be a part of the company. Moreover, to have latest news about the company's recruitment you can subscribe for a job alert and once a position is vacant you are immediately informed.